My Life

Bucket List

Go to Japan with a friend because It would be cool and fun to have a friend to enjoy this experience with.

Go to California to see the big red woods because my mom has been wanting to go there to see that.

Go to Hawaii because I want to spend some time with family over there and Hawaii is a beautiful place and would be a nice vacation.

Go see Northern Lights. Would make really nice photos and is just a cool experience in general. Something you barely see.

Travel the world. I want to travel the world because I want to see different parts of the world and see how different culture is in every part I go to. I think it would be nice to have different environments to explore.


What is my passion? Sports. Want to see how far I can get.

Will I get the chance to travel the world? Maybe, have to save up a lot of money and budget if it's really something I want to do.

What college should I attend? One that's close and not that hard to get into.


I want to be able to travel the world by 2030.

I want to start a 401K by 20 years old

I want to be able to learn to speak some Spanish fluently by December.

I want to go to japan with a friend by 2028.

I went to end the school year with a 3.0 GPA

SMART Goal for Credit Score (By the age of 25, I will have a great credit score).

Be smart about planning and doing things.

Only apply to credit that I really need.

Don't over do it on my credit cards.

Make timely payments

Make sure to pay bills on time.

Identity Theft

Credit cards and other stuff in a safe place

Use strong passwords

Store personal info in a safe spot

Use alerts for anything if your info was getting used.

Credit Cards

Building credit history

Protection against fraud

Cash back

Not linked to checking's or saving accounts.

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Needs and Wants

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Phone. I need it to listen to music and call my parents.

Normal essentials like food and water. I love my dad and moms food and I'm always hungry.

Headphones. Really need them to listen to music because that is my number one essential every morning.

Basketball. Really big essential and the only sport I really like.

Pets. Had them for my whole life


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Honesty. Hate when people lie to my face it's not that hard to tell the truth. Just be honest with me.

Responsibility. When people take responsibility for something they did it really shows something about them.

Hard work. People show dedication through hard work and it shows that they really care about something to work this hard.

Friendship. One of the strongest things you can have is friendship. It's something that can build people into who they are later in life.

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