CONCEPT: Ways learners can save the turtles: 1. Turn Out Lights Visible From the Beach. Baby sea turtles use light and reflections from the moon to find their way to the water at night. Our lighting confuses the hatchlings and causes them to head inland instead of out to sea. 2. Reduce the amount of garbage you produce and clean up trash you see on the beach. Sea turtles can become tangled in plastic and trash both on the shore and in the water. Litter such as fishing lines, balloons and plastic bags may also be confused for food and eaten by sea turtles, often resulting in injury or death. 3. Be aware of sea turtle nesting Areas and Avoid Nesting and Hatching Turtles. Sea turtles are cute, and tempting to touch and observe – but this disturbs turtles when they are nesting, or trying to nest, on the beach. Make sure to give nesting areas plenty of space, and do not disturb females as they emerge from the ocean looking for a place to nest. Also be conscious of where nesting areas are so that you can avoid trampling the hatchlings as they head to the water. 4. Reduce the amount of chemicals you use. The chemicals you use on your lawn and in your home can actually wash into the coastal waters – killing plants and animals. It is very important to properly dispose of toxic chemicals and, even better, find alternative products such as biodegradable solutions. 5. Volunteer! There are many ways in which you can make a positive difference in the lives of sea turtles. Organize a clean-up day with your friends and clear the beach of litter, give a presentation to your neighborhood or local school on things they can do to save sea turtles, and most importantly, talk to others about what they can do to make sure they are not putting these important creatures in danger. Defenders of Wildlife (n.d)