Time/Productivity Experiential Event

Event Series


Webinar #1

Webinar #2

Webinar #3

Webinar #4

Webinar #5

Webinar #6


Initial Time Audit

Spreadsheet or time-tracking tool?

Give them some categories to sort their time?



Client Support

Admin Support



Professional Development


Re-do the audit at the end

Rocks/Pebbles/Sand. Focus Management

Reflect on where your time is going

Where do you WANT the time allocations to be?

How many hours do you WANT it to add up to?

What would you like to change about your time? (Half-day Fridays? No more Weekends? No more evenings?)

Email folders and rules to file

Email aliases/forwarding

Turning off notifications


Crafting your Ideal Week

How do you start putting this into action?

Delegate & Elevate

Letting go of $50/hr tasks

Loom and let go

Contractors to help?


Setting boundaries on our time. Leveraging the Ideal Week.

Managing Client Expectations

Managing Staff Expectations

Compare before/after. Is this where you wanted to be?

Event Management

Kick-off Pre-Work

Onboarding to the platform/community

Series of 6 (monthly?) webinars

Check-ins - 1 week and then 2 weeks

Office Hours?

Hot-seat consulting?

Other format?

Community Forums

Assign into groups/cohorts?

By firm/staff size (& channel?)

Long-term sustainability...

Record the sessions into a Course?

Facilitated Course with a coach for the cohorts (but no Michael live except at the beginning/end?)

How do we maintain the premium price without Michael delivering it all?

Credible Coach to lead it

Track record/testimonials/NPS

Cohorts/live experience

Peer accountability

Price point: $3k to $5k?

Group size...

Start with 50?

Can we get to 100?

If we break into smaller cohorts (6-8?), how many CAN we fit?

Eventually a full-timer?

2 cohorts/per at $300k allows for $120k+ coach w/ 60% gross margin?


Runs 6 months (w/ pre-work)

Launch in...March or May?

March launch would require February marketing. But that's "OK", it misses the rest? Can be live by Marketing Summit launch?