Unit 1
Artifacts examples
Artifacts - report or document created during the testing.
Software models
click to edit
Software components
Quality management - this broad term refers to all organized measures that serve to improve the quality of products, processes, or services: quality planning, control, assurance, and improvement.
Quality management activities:
• Quality planning
• Quality control
• Quality assurance
• Quality improvement
Quality control - monitoring, management, and control of quality testing activities in the software development process.
Quality assurance - activities that ensure that the quality requirements specified for products, processes, and services are met.
Quality planning - preparation and documentation of quality requirements in collaboration with the client.
Quality improvement - evaluation of product and process data to improve the quality level.
Types of quality management
Constructive quality management measures:
- конструктивный это A priori , то есть действия применяются ДО
• Technical measures (e.g., use of modeling languages, tools, development environments),
• Organizational measures (e.g., guidelines, standards, templates, checklists), and
• Interpersonal measures (e.g., training, work climate, joint activities).
Analytical quality management
consists of measures for examining and evaluating the quality level of test objects
- Ex post, то есть действия уже ПОСЛЕ
Dynamic (testing) Procedures:
- Execution of the program with specific input values and comparison of the outputs generated with the expected outputs.
Static testing
- Object examined, not executed.
Examples: user manual review, guidelines. Overall, review, metrics, static code analysis. Test cases (scenarios).
static testing is non-executable artifacts
dynamic testing is executable artifacts
Software quality assurance principles
• Product and Process-Dependent Quality Objective Determination
-specific quality objectives determined in the early phases of the project
• Quantitative Quality Assurance
Quality assertions made on the basis of metrics
• Maximum Constructive Quality Assurance
all measures that contribute to the prevention of errors should be taken
• Early Error Detection and Correction
Errors detected before manifestation in program code (RE, specification, architecture definition errors). Then: higher costs.
• Development-Accompanying, Integrated Quality Assurance
-тестирование параллельно с разработкой. Evolutionary dev process model - iterations - result tested each time - early error detection.
• Independent Quality Assurance
In practice - dev team has a quality model to work by, QA team examines beyond that level.
Software testing principles
• Testing Shows the Presence of Errors
Extensive testing reduces the probability that undetected errors still exist
• Complete Testing is Not Possible
• Accumulation (накопление) of Errors
Detected errors not evenly distributed. Majority of errors - error clustering.
• Repetition Has No Effectiveness
repeated execution of the same test under identical conditions doesn't lead to additional knowledge
• Testing Depends on the Environment
All QA activities unique for each project - based on requirements, boundary conditions, QA objectives.
-Number + type of test cases determined for each system
• Fallacy: No Errors Does Not Automatically Mean a Usable System
QA and test cases based on specification
Quality costs
Decision regarding resources spent on quality management (error prevention, detecyion, licalization, correction) made for each software project
Production Costs
Produce functions and quality characteristics
Quality costs model
-Model by Grechenig - used for assessment and decision-making
Total costs = costs of production + quality control
Error correction costs
Activities for constructive and analytical quality management
Error prevention costs
Activities for constructive and analytical quality management
Quality Plan
provides a specific framework for action within a project
times for QA activities
way of documenting results
who carries out activities
Result of quality planning
-Quality assurance plan - includes precise QA measures
QA and improvement for each realease
Documented form final report
Carried out in parallel
Includes quality control - also documented