Science rubric term 1
outcome 1
outcome 2
Explain the characteristics of various objects in the solar
system, galaxies, and universe.
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Able to generalize the structure of the universe
Support arguments with reasonable information about the universe from multiple reliable resources.
Answer Big Question in science context: “What are the causes and effects of structural changes in the universe
Use appropriate and accurate general academic and content specific terminology in student’s explanations.
Consider multiple perspectives in generalizing the structure of the universe
Provide information for community
Apply the knowledge of earth and the Universe to another context
Develop and use model to describe natural phenomena produced by the motion of Earth and the Moon.
Provide information to community (e.g., school, family, netizens, etc) regarding the proposed actions that benefits society from phenomena on Earth due to the Sun-Earth-Moon system.
Explain the motion of Earth and the Moon and its
Able to propose new actions that benefit society from the natural phenomena produced by the motion of Earth and Moon.
Support the proposal with reasonable information about the effect o f natural phenomena caused by the motion of Earth and Moon
Consider multiple perspectives in proposing actions that benefits society from the natural phenomena produced by the motion of Earth and Moon.
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Apply the knowledge of processes that underlying natural phenomena for another purposes.