Approaches to teach speaking
PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production)
View of language
Grammatical structures and functions
View of language learning
Language is learnt first by seeing new language in context
Second, practice in controlled guide
Thirdly, freer conditions
TTT (Test-teach- Test)
View of language
Focus on form and accuracy
View of language learner
First learners complete a task
Second, T plans and present the target language
Third, SS do another task to practice the new language.
Discovery approach
View of language
Students construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.
View of language learning
First, exposure to language
Second, use of inference
Third, identify the rule and practice.
Grammatical rules
Speaking lesson
Awareness raising: Recorded spoken text
Appropriation: Controlled activities
Autonomy: free vent for learners to use the language to carry out a task.
Speaking lesson
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Speaking lesson
Presentation: T presents the structure "If I was you..." for advice.
Practice: Then learners use prompts to complete sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.
Production: They give each other advice
Test: Students are asked to make an interview.
Teach: T plans a class to teach how to formulate questions.
Test: Students are asked to role-play a new interview.