Kaylena Mausolf Current Connections

People I know Personally

Dana Ryan (Volunteer, Zonta)

Barb Benson (Board Member, Zonta)

Paul Schmuckal (Local Entrepreneur)

Caleb Richardson (Farmers Insurance)

Evelyn Richardson (Retired, Priority Health)

Melodie Linebaugh (Retired, NMCAA)

Laura Rigan (Grand Traverse Land Conservancy)

Kathy Novak (Board Member, Boots For Kids)

Mike Drilling (Local realtor and Entrepreneur)

Charma Brian (Volunteer, Zonta)

Mike Wagner (TC Tourism)

Business Relationships

Kelli Stepka (HR Specialist Cherry Republic)

Chuck Benson (Owner Bay Supply Marketing)

Allison Beers (Rotary Club, Zonta, Entreprenuer)

Heather Schmuckal (Marketing/Graphic Design Self Employed)

Jodi Smith (Director Womans Resource Center)

Rhonda Estes (Board Member of Zonta)

Susan Onan-Swarts (Board Member Boots For Kids, Peace Ranch, Brickways)

Shelly Kester (Lawyer, Wilson Kester Family Law)

Chet Janik (Leelanau County Commisioner)

Bob Sutherland (Owner of Cherry Republic)

Mindy Buell (CEO Michael's Place)

Susie Cline (Lead Volunteer with Michigan State Police Relations)

Missy Smith (Founder of 5 to One)

Robert Bramer (Owner of Stromberb Carlson Intl)

Businesses/Clients I've worked with

Bay Supply Marketing

Team Bob's Heating, Cooling and Plumbing

J & S South Airport (Project Feed the Kids)

Hagerty Insurance

Munson Hospital

Farmers Insurance Group

Espresso Bay

Cherry Hill Boutique

Britten Banners


Stromberg Carlson Products Intl

Golden Shoes


Non Profits I've Worked With


Project Feed the Kids

Boots For Kids (Current Sitting Board Member)

Peace Ranch



Woman's Resource Center


Michaels Place

Traverse City Children's Advocacy Center

Traverse City Elk's Club

Traverse Connect

TC Tourism