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Child Focused - Student X Christ Centred - Coggle Diagram
Child Focused - Student X
Christ Centred
Child Safe Framework- Keeping Safe
Student Voice-student had input into learning areas, new resources and play areas,
Pastoral Care Committee -supported wellbeing of staff, student and family
CEWA External Services- Psychologist, Consultants
Teaching Team- regular meetings with Learning Support Teacher and check ins to determine how staff were tracking
Parents - Communication by regular email/ meetings
External Health Services - Liaise with hospital and agencies
Prayers/ Liturgy -intentions in the classroom and focus of Staff Prayer
Family - Sibling - supported by classroom teacher, PCC team,social worker and peers
Dedicated Education Assistant supported student and family. Kept the connection when student away
Risk Management Plan - developed when student ready to return, input from parents and student
Modified Play Area - designed with input from student
Whole Staff Updates - Teams notices to update staff about progress and alert staff to condition.
Privacy and Confidentiality observed and information passed onto staff only with student/ parent consent.
Classroom peers - service to others, demonstrated empathy and compassion when writing messages, recording messages and interacting with student
Making Jesus Real Program -promoting the gospel values and celebrating God Moments.
Catholic Vision for Learning -empowering students to achieve their potential
Religious Education Curriculum -integrating faith, life and witness
Dignity of the student - inclusive practices, acknowledging the diversity of others
Funding Application - school accessed funds to support student at home and transition to school
Code of conduct for all stakeholders - ensure student safety
School Social Worker to work with student, family and staff
Parish - connection with Parish Priest and Parish to support the family