Crafting a Business Plan and Building a Solid Strategic Plan

Benefits of Creating a Business Plan

The marketing opportunities and strategy

The managers' skills and abilities

The operational and financial details

A business plan is the best insurance against launching a business destined to fail or mismanaging a potentially successful company

An entrepreneur's proposed business venture

Key Elements of a Business Plan

Competitor Analysis

Marketing Strategy

Business and Industry Profile

Entrepreneurs' and Managers' Resumes

Description of a Firm's Product or Service

Plan of Operation

Mission and Vision Statement

Pro Forma (Projected) Financial Statements

Executive Summary

The Loan or Investment Proposal

Title Page and Table of Contents

First impressions count! Use an attractive cover

Use spreadsheets for realistic financial forecasts

Checks for errors

Include cash flow projections

Make it visually appealing

Keep the plan "crisp"

Include a table of contents with page numbers

Tell the truth

Make it interesting!

Show that it will make money

What Lenders and Investors Look for in a Business Plan






Tips for Making the Pitch

Avoid the use of technical terms that will be above most of the audience

Remember to tell lenders and investors how they will benefit

Keep the presentation "crisp"

Be prepared for questions

Hit the highlights

Anticipate questions and prepare for them in advance

Offer proof

Focus your answers on what's important to lenders and investors

Explain how your company's products or services solve some problems and emphasize the factors that make your company unique

Follow up with every lender and investor to whom you make a presentation

Follow the 10/20/30 rule for PowerPoint presentations.

Use visual aids

Hook investors quickly with an up-front explanation of the new venture, its opportunities, and the anticipated benefits to them

Focus on communicating the dynamic opportunity your idea offers and how you plan to capitalize on it

Demonstrate enthusiasm about the business but don't be overly emotional

Practice your delivery and then practice some more


Building a Strategic Plan

Strategic planning is a tool that can help: it involves developing a game plan to guide the company as it works to accomplish its vision, mission, goals, and objective and to keep it from straying off course.

Entrepreneurs must be able to adapt to changes in the marketplace

Structural Capital

Customer Capital

Human Capital

Shift the world economy from a base of financial to intellectual capital

Building a Competitive Advantage

The aggregation of factors that sets a company apart from its competitors and gives it a unique position in the market that is superior to its competition

Emphasize human capital

The company subjects all job applicants to a thorough screening process

Example: Whole Foods - Retailer of natural and organic food

Demonstrate a love of food and dedication to a customer service

Competitive Advantage

The key to success over time is building a sustainable competitive advantage

A company gains a sustainable competitive advantage through its ability to develop a set of core competencies

Building a competitive advantage alone is not enough

Strategic Management Process

Analyze competion

Create goals & objectives

Identify key success factors

Formulate strategies

Scan environment for opportunities and threats

Translate plans into actions

Assess strengths and weaknesses

Establish accurate controls

Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement

Balance Scorecards

Internal Business: At what must we excel?

Innovation and Learning: Can we continue to improve and create value?

Customer: How do customers see us?

Financial: How do we look to shareholders?

Give managers a quick, yet comprehensive, picture of a company's overall performance

Corporate Citizenship: Do we meet our responsibility to society as a whole, the environment, the community, and other external stakeholders?

A set of measurements unique to a company that includes both financial and operational measures