My Life

Bucket List

Visit Biggest Mansion In The World
I want to know what it would feel like to be rich and when I'm older I want to live in a mansion so I want to see what it would be like

Bungee Jump
I want to do something that's exciting and bungee jumping looks really fun

Pet A Shark
I always see trained people petting animals and making friends with them so I think it would be cool to do that with a more scary animal

Go To Greece
I want to experience what its like in Greece and dress cute and take cute pictures in Greece


I really care about my health, and making sure I'm eating good and working out a decent amount with my sports, and that ties in with beauty

I love having money and being able to spend it, and when I'm older I want money to be able to do fun things or have good stuff

I really care about what I look like, and I want people to see the best version of me, and I want to look the best I can each day

I really value the relationships I have with people, and I love making friends and expanding my friend groups

I care about being successful, I always want to put in my best effort, and especially when I'm older I want a good sustainable easy job where I can be successful and make lots of money


I want to always be able to have my own car for easy transportation my whole life

I want to always have a lot of money and good amounts to spend

I want to have relationships with people my while life and stay connected and have a lot of people to rely on

I want to always have clothes, but it is also a need becasue you need clothes to go places

I connect with people through social media and technology is very useful in the world


I want to go on cruises or to tropical and exciting places I have never been before

Become a physical therapist or a sports psychiatrist out of college

I want to live in a giant house down south with a giant pool

Attend a 4 year college down south after I graduate highschool

I want to marry a man 5-7 years out of college and have 3-4 kids

Interview A Celebrity
I want to interview Taylor Swift and ask her what each of her songs are about


What career will I pursue?
After college I need to pick a career and even in college I need to kind of figure out what I want to pursue and I want to enjoy it

Where do I want to live
When I am older I am going to have to choose where I want to live

What colleges should I apply/go to
I am going to need to pick what colleges I want to apply to and then pick which one I want to go to within the next year or so

Credit Score

I want to have a high credit score when I am 30

click to edit

have good credit utilization

not be in debt

limit applying to new credit accounts

fix any credit report errors/check constantly

pay all bills on time

Credit Cards

Identity Theft

Put important documents in a safe place

Not give out any personal information unless I know what it's for

Dispose of documents properly

Always look at my information and make sure nothing changes


No Foreign Transaction Fees

Grace Periods

Low Interest Rates