17.197: Order data into Kinesis
Using a "Partition Key" value of the "truck_id"
Same key will always go to the same shard
No ordering
For SQS FIFO, if not use Group ID, messages are consumed in the order they are sent, with only 1 consumer
You want to scale consumer number, but you want message to be "grouped" when they are related to each other
then you use a group ID (same as Partition key in Kinesis)
Let assume 100 trucks, 5 kinesis shard, 1 SQS FIFO
20 trucks/shard
Max consumer in parallel is 5
Can receive up to 5MB/s of data
Have 100 group ID
Have up to 100 Consumers
Have up tp 300 message per second (or 3000 if using batching)