CapGemini - FinTrack Brain Diagram
Mock Ups
Budgeting and Expense Tracking
Goal Setting and Tracking
How: mockups will be created using Figma (collaboration tool).
Why: the user wants the ability to create monthly budgets and being able to access it by editing it or deleting it and with that being able to see the expenses to manage them efficiently.
What: allows users to create monthly budgets, edit, or delete them. also, it allows the user to track expenses made in a particular month?
How: create mockups using Figma (collaboration tool) and findings from contextual analysis.
Why: the user can create budget targets for a time interval and trace the progress of money being saved.
the user can also track the number of bills paid in loan to track debt reduction progress.
What: allows users to face financial goals (saving targets, debt reduction?
track progress overtime?
Competitor Analysis
Contextual Analysis
How: either by researching online about other applications.
online surveys, social media monitoring.
Why: what is the problem, the user facing in the market right now.
what better functioning apps are there in the market.
What can we solve for.
What: get to know what competitor apps are there in the market in the existing time?
Contextual Inquiry
Contextual Questions
How: analysis, with the help on interview questions answered by users.
Why: to get better understanding of the problems that users have to go through while using an app.
What: field study for in depth observation and interviews of small group to understand demographics?
How: using google forms to form questions which is a lot easier.
Why: to get to know user demographics such as what age group do they belong to, what gender, if they are tech savvy, employment type, to know what kind of design standards to use.
what apps do they use, what do they like, what do they don't like, what features do they want to see in app.
What: asking users to answer a set of questions for contextual inquiry?
How: will be created using Figma (collaboration tool) and with the data collected from contextual inquiry
Why: to understand user needs, experiences, goals and behaviour.
What: to create a user with the help of real data