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HISTORY - Coggle Diagram
Stressman was a crucial figure to the Weimar Republic, as he assisted in stabilising Germany after high levels of Hyperinflation among other issues. To assist with Hyperinflation, he created his own currency called the Rentenmark, which allowed Germany to be more stable in the economic factor. He also created the Dawes Plan, where he made a deal with the USA so that Germany's annual reparation payments would be reduced, increasing over time as its economy improves.
The Left Wingers include the communists who wanted Germany to be ruled by soviets or workers' councils. This group, the Spartacists, were led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg who set up soviets in many different towns. Eventualy, Ebert got the Freikorps (a group of ex army members) to assist him in shutting down this party but because of his ruthless measures, created large amounts of disparity between the communists and the government.
Von Papen, the chancellor at that time made a case for Hitler with the suspicious Hindenburg by stating that Hindenburg needed a chancellor who had actual support of the Reichtag which Hitler did. He also ensured that Hitler would be able to do no harm, as Papen would be Vice Chancellor and Hindenburg would be President. So Hindenburg appointed Hitler believing that he would only be a figurehead.
Hitler gained support from different groups around Germany through different strategies. Support was gained from the farmers through highlighting their importance throughout Germany and promising to help their agriculture. By publicly hating the Weimar Republic and calling them the 'November criminals', the Nazi party gained support from the population who believed the same. They also used the Reichtag fire to blame the communists for starting it, and shutting down their party. Situations such as the Great Depression won the Nazi's support as well.
When Germany was unable to pay reparations set by the TOV, France and Britain took action to invade Ruhr and steal Germany's raw materials. They left their troops there for days and refused to evacuate.
The Right Wingers included the people who had gotten used to the traditional way of ruling, growing up with Kaiser Germany. These were the people who blamed Ebert for signing the TOV, leaving Germany in terrible condition. The Kapp Putsch was started by Wolfgang Kapp leading almost 500 Freikorps. The army refused to fire on the Freikorps and left Ebert with violent opposition.
Reichtag fire- a fire happened in the Reichtag which Hitler used to his advantage by blaming it on the communists, increasing people's fear of the communists and giving more support to the Nazi Party.
The Enabling Act- this allowed Hitler to pass laws without informing other members of the Reichtag.
The Night of Long Knives- Hitler instructed the SS to go out and murder/imprison all his opposition.
The army oath- when Hindenburg died Hitler made the army take an oath pledging their loyalty to him.
The Nazi Party was originally called the German Workers party where Hitler was sent in as a spy. Hitler became so impressed with the organisation that he joined it while Anton Drexler was leading. After Drexler heard Hitler speak, he realised that Hitler had some wonderful ideas and put him in charge.
Nazi campaigning- the greatest asset of the Nazi party was Hitler. They ensured his speeches were continuously played, posters and pamphlets surrounded the area, practical action such as organising soup kitchens and providing shelter for the unemployed was taken.
Negative cohesion- Nazi's were supported supported because people shared the same views as them.
Disillusionment with democracy- Nazi's shared their dislike with democracy with most of the population, gaining them support.
The Communist threat- the shared fear of communism was another negative as many revolts were taking place, and shut down due to the Nazi's.
Decadence- Nazi's restored old-fashioned values.
Weak Opposition- Nazi's exploited the divisions among their opponents.
Due to all this, Nazi support skyrocketed and middle class Germans especially supported the Nazi party.
Adolf Hitler led an attempted rebellion and held all the Weimar Government members at gunpoint. Although he failed, he gained popularity and recognition for his attempts, and made numerous connections to help him overthrow the Weimar republic in the future.
A once proud Germany was left in shambles after World War 1, struggling to continue to run as a country. A new government was introduced, The Weimar Republic, who were not very popular after the abdication of the Kaiser who did not rule Germany as a democracy.
The Weimar Republic was Germany's new government, who ensured the nation became more democratic. Because of this they received threats from the Left and Right wing.
The Nazi party aimed to achieve a strong nation, with strong leadership and after the war it was crucial to improve German pride.
They also wanted a racially pure Germany. The Aryan supremacy and blaming the Jews for Germany's problems, as well as removing non-Aryans from any kind of leadership positions was crucial to their aims.
The Nazi's wanted the population to not have a mind of their own and blindly follow Hitler.
Rallies- the Goebbels organised many rallies, meetings, and more. The Nuremberg rallies took place every summer where Hitler's speeches were played and entertainment was surrounding it.
Media and culture- media was completely controlled Hitler's speeches and Nazi history were continuously played and the Gestapo and SS helped in silencing any anti-Nazi people
Hitler held the Olympics in Berlin in 1936, Gobbels build a new stadium with electrical lighting. To Hitler's great pleasure Germany came top of the meda table, but a black athlete, Jesse Owens got star of the games. Hitler was extremely displeased with this but had to put on a strong face even through his plan of Aryan-supremacy was lost as a black athlete broke world records. The games ended up backfiring on the Nazi regime in some ways.
Hitler signed a Concordat with the Catholic Church meaning that Hitler was to leave the church alone. In return the church agreed to stay out of the politics.
The Swing movement- this consisted of a group of teenagers who listened to "banned" music to revolt against the Nazi Party & The Edelweiss Pirates- these were the working class teenagers, they also sang songs to revolt against the Nazis.
Political opposition- some socialists met very secretly in private without meeting in large groups, and only in groups of 4-5 due to fear of being captured and revealed, and eventually executed. Because Nazi Germany had put so much fear into the minds of the German population, socialist groups could not meet in public anymore because of the fear of murder/imprisonment.
Social opposition- these were the groups that did not agree with Nazi ruling but were not public about it because of fear once again. Despite the fact that some social parties made is extremely obvious that they hated the Nazi's and suffered the depth of the consequences.
People were indoctrinated from their childhood. The lessons taught in school were along the lines of biology for girls and chemistry and physics for the boys, this was based on Hitler's ideology. The history taught in school was all Nazi history and the glorified version of it as well. Nazi's aim was to control the entire population, indoctrinating children from a young age and influencing them to believe solely in the Nazi party.
Hitler believed in an extremely traditional way of women having jobs and living their lives in that time period. All the high paying/high status jobs that women had were given to men, making it seem like he had reduced unemployment rates but he had just deluded the population into believing this by reducing a group of people in the jobs sector. He switched women having paying jobs to jobs where they attended to their family and stayed at home, cooking and cleaning through the day.
Hitler and most of the Nazi's had an extremely traditional way to how women should be treated. By making them quit their jobs they had no income, and Hitler was so obsessed with the idea of women having babies that he offered them rewards for the more children they would have, he would give them cars, mortgages etc. This encouraged women to have babies continuously.