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Social Scheduling Twitter - Coggle Diagram
Social Scheduling Twitter
Login twitter account
Verify Log-in with wrong credential.
Verify log-in account with wrong user name or password.
Should be get error message linke "Invalid entered User name or Password".
Verify Log-in with right credential.
Check with right credential user name or password.
User should be log-in successfully. screen should be redirected on the Twitter post.
Verify that Tweet text feature.
Tweet text box
Verify that the text box has a limit of 280 characters.
Verify that 280 characters should be added in the tweet text box.
A limit of 280 characters shouldn't exist.
Tap on Tweet text button error message should not be shown in case added 280 characters in the tweet text box.
Verify that write special charactors & add emojies in text box.
Add special charector and emogies in tweet text box.
Then tap on tweet text button. Text should be tweet that time.
Verify text copy & paste functionality.
First select & copy text from another app or browser.
Do paste this text in tweeter text box.
Then text should be paste in this text box.
Tweet text
Verify that Add valid >280 charactors in text box Then while apply tweet text.
The text should be posted successfully at that time. Then check it in twitter home screen.
The post should be shown in twitter home screen.
More than get 280 Charactor limit validation error toast should be shown that time.
Verify that Tweet single image feature
Verify that select image option.
Ask there Storage (Photos & Videos) permission
Select "Don't Allow" option from Storage (Photos & Video) permission dialog.
Storage permission will be ask on First & second attempt.
Then after re-attempt
"Need permission"
dialog should be show.
While allow Storage (Photos & Video) Permission.
Gallary View screen should be open in this case.
Permission shouldn't ask again.
Verify that select image file validation
Verify that 5mb size validation image.
Select high mb images greater than 5mb.
Select image size should be valid till 5mb images validation toast should be shown there.
Select High resolution images which less than 5mb sizes.
Image should be selected and app should not be crashed.
Verify that support extension validation.
Verify Select image valid file. (Which <5mb)
Select JPG, JPEG, PNG, WEBP image file.
Image should be add successfully in that case.
Verify that select invalid image file.
Select invalid image files. (E.g. GIF, TIFF, SVG, Bitmap)
The "Invalid image file" error message should be shown like that.
Browse single image.
Only one Image should be selected.
The image preview should be shown.
Replace image.
Previous Image should be replace whlie select image as multiple time.
Verify that Post multiple image feature.
Verify that browse image.
Select Images
Minimum 2 & maximum 4 images should be selected there.
With any one invalid image selection error message should be shown ther like "Invalid image file."
Upload image
Select multiple till 4 images.
Then while tapping on Upload button the images are should be uploaded successfully. Toast message should be shown of uploaded images.
While uploading image the loading indicator shouldn't be get continuously load.
-Select multiple till 4 images.
Then while tapping on Upload button the images are should be uploaded successfully.
The Error message ins't shown there like all images are already uploaded.
The images should not be uploaded twice time or multiple time.
Tweet Muliple Images
Image with Text should be post while tapping on the "Tweet mulitple images".
For existing no. of 4 Images should not be post while tapping on the "Tweet multiple images".
In this case error should be shown that time like 4 Max image allowed.
Replace image.
Previous Image should be replace whlie select image as multiple time.
Single image select.
After selecting single image there should be shown multiple image validation error message.
Check the Selected multiple image preview should be shown proper should be slide auto or manual both.
Verify that size validation.
Schedule tweet
Select Date & Time
Verify that time dialog.
Select date & time option.
Select date from it.
Time dialog shown.
Verify that in time dialog should be show current time.
Verify that date should be selected as maximum 75days as per current date.
Verify that date valid future date should be shown enable or can be selected otherwise date should be shown disable & not select.
Verify that all tapping event while selecting time.
The minimum time limit validation is 10 minute.
Otherwise should be shown validation error message.
Select keyboard icon at show bottom of time setting dialog then set time dialog opens.
Verify Set time dialog with insert time value and select pm/am.
Verify that schedule post Text/Images
After set Time & Date.
Tap on the Tweet text/Tweet image/Tweet Muliplte image option.
The Schedule post successfully published should be shown with valid data.
Other wise shown ralated error message.
Select Date and Time
Select date & time option.
Check there current date in calender & live time shown in time dialog. (As per device set time)
Verify that select date from dialog.
Verify that add time from it.