CH8-Visitor Management Strategies for Destinations

Visitation caps



Target marketing

User fees increases

Restrictions on services and infrastructure


fixed or flexible carrying capacities (tourism lifecycle)

not only function of the number visitor but also the distribution of visitors in area, activities, behavior, state of tourism infrastructure

change in time=dynamic concept=speed of change

many dimension of cc

strengthen by positive feedback, cause belatedly result in development

no intrinsic cc of area

many changeable conditions

most commonly used, most formal type of
visitation cap often used to abet the objectives of zoning systems

informal capping effect by reducing the
number of potential tourists who can afford

option of controlling access to their communities through quotas or user fees (mcm covid entertainment close nightclub, border cross)

Dispersal strategies-dilution does not overwhelm any particular area

concentration strategies-minimize impacts by confining tourism-related activity to a small area = activity in an environmentally and sociocultural sustainable way.

redirecting of this traffic to spaces and times within the destination best suited to accommodating

Market penetration

Market development

Product development

Persuasive messages-‘soft’ or ‘indirect’ approach (Indonesia from "wonderful Indonesia" to "Pesona Indonesia")

Tourist-oriented codes of conduct are one frequently employed

visitors can be persuaded to behave sustainably depends on whether the target activity is unavoidable , illegal, careless, unskilled, or uniformed

Interpretation- educate and transform behavior through
the transmission of meanings and relationships of the world

Tour guides- transformational interpretation

target high spending and well-educated tourists

de-marketing strategy such as
negative publicity and pricing adjustments (tourism sex n backpacker)