Set up Intents in Dialogflow

Log in to Dialogflow and Create Agent

Integrate Chatbot to Telegram

Step 3: Give the agent a name

Step 2: Press the "START" button

Step 3: Create Chatbot

Step1: Search "botfather" in Telegram

Step 2: Click on "Create Agent"

Step 1: Login to Dialogflow

Step 3: Add the Response(s) for the Intent

Step 4: Click "SAVE"

Step 2: Add Training Phrases

Step 1: Click "CREATE INTENT"

Follow-up Intents

Step 3: Add Training Phrase

Step 4: Add Response for the Intent

Step 2: Add Intent Name

Step 5: Click "SAVE"

Step 1:Mouseover the Intent, and click on "Add follow-up intent" > custom

Define Entities in Dialogflow

Step 4: Click "SAVE"

Step 5: Go to the Intent to Add Parameter

Step 3: Type in the possible values

Step 6: Modify Training Phrases to Recognise Entity

Step 2: Name Entity

Step 7: Use Placeholders in Response

Step 1: Click CREATE ENTITY"

Step 8: Add System Entities

Step 4: Name Chatbot

Step 5: Create Chatbot Username

Step 6: In Dialogflow, Click "Integrations" and Select "Telegram"

Step 7: Paste the Token Key and Try the Chatbot

Train Your Chatbot & Miscellaneous

Step 1: Enable "Small Talk"

Step 4: Test and Train the Chatbot under the “Training” tab

Step 3: Use the "Validation" Tool to Evaluate Chatbot

Step 2: Enable "Agent Validation" under Agent Settings

Step 5: Mark with a tick if chatbot answers correctly;
Reassign to another intent if chatbot answers incorrectly