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The Adventures of Leela: A mind-bending journey to playfulness and wisdom…
The Adventures of Leela:
A mind-bending journey to playfulness and wisdom
Main Characters
Maya the Cosmic Hopper
Dr. Chuckles
Chapter 7
Ready to Play
Coming Back
the real test is in the real life
We cannot stay high in the clouds forever, we have to come back to the mundane to the marketplace to there reality of our physicality, our life here on this planet and live the lessons
Continue to nurture the lessons and grow
The Last Laugh:
Dr. Chuckles Final Joke
the big cycles of life and death
Death is an illusion
Everything can be a celebration, even death too, and life can be a festival
The End is The Beginning
Why I Wrote This Book
The Talking Wound
The Challenges of Sharing
The Lingering Longing
Sharing The Story With You
Unlocking The Truths Within
Chapter 3
The Forgotten Childlike Spirit
The Sunflower's Heart (remove this!)
Leela struggles to focus on the lesson inside the classroom
Leela saw a shining sunflower outside as if it was calling her
Strucked by the beauty of the sunflower, she enjoys every detail of it and knew that this is her favorite flower
Nature is always broadcasting beauty
If we have the eyes of the child we always see the beauty of nature
The Playground of Memories
Feeling a sense of awe and wonder, Leela take a sight of the insect and different small creatures of the earth
In the heart of a simple backyard, children learns that the world is full of wonders, waiting to be observed, appreciated, and woven into stories that could spark her imagination for a lifetime.
The Dragonfly Hunt
Leela waits patiently for a perfect moment to catch the dragonfly
being total in the moment
Totality in playfulness
Always take the higher view to see a different perspective
The Grumpy Mango Tree
Leela with her sibling and cousins climbing and eating the fruit of the mango tree
the transformative power of innocence and playfulness
On a heart level, we can feel a connection with a tree
Beyond the Mind's Lens
Leela got a toy gift from her aunte in Canada called View Master3D Viewer
As she peeked in it, she saw scene from her childhood, staring from a window watching her father and some guests drinking and celebrating something
She has starting questioning in her mind, "why the parents she has are her parents? how it became like that? why can't she choose her own?
A child's emotional well-being and the quality of her relationship with her parents play a significant role in shaping her thoughts and questions about her family
Children often compare their own family dynamics to those of their peers. If she perceives that her friends have different family experiences, she may wonder why her family life is not the same and why she faces challenges that her friends do not.
A Nap Gone Wild
Grandmother insisted on afternoon nap together with Leela's sister and cousins
fun in rebellion, escaping the routine
Tradition, obligation, rules, schedule, rebellious spirit, play and excitement of breaking the rule, going out back to nature, freedom, adventure, individuality, away from the serious people, playfulness
Sneak out of the mat and off to rice fields laughing
Got stuck in the mud, struggled to pull herself out
“Bounce in the puddles, Color Outside the Lines”
Story of Not Expressing
Turning the shutter of View Master, Leela found herself joining the conversation of their parents with friends
Leela was stopped by her mother and told that it is not right to join the adult conversation. She felt she did something wrong.
The seriousness in adults
The power of adult to children
The unconscious power of abuse
Making children feel small and unworthy
Adults repeating the cycles of generational conditioning
From then on Leela didn't express much and thought nobody would want to listen to what she will share and it was not important
A Muddy Koan
Here Leela meets the Soap Bubble Frog
A Zen Master in disguise, a cosmic joke,
Chapter 5
The Blissful Quest
Breathing Into The Infinite
Visions appeared during the Holotrophic Breathwork
Rejected by the Father
Cherry blossoms, wedding ceremony, small fairy guiding Leela towards new direction in life, eagle soaring through the skies, warrior or wanderer riding on a horseback towards the hill
Inner Dance
Leela felt her belongingness after meeting people who left their jobs, and pursue a the path of self-discovery
Lying down, closed eyes with music on the background, she found herself moving involuntarily and chaotically her body was arching, legs, hands going in different directions
Depending on the music the mood changes and her movements also. Until the body rest and felt herself in a dark void but the feeling was peaceful
another time she was alone outside under the canopy then the rain pours, as she was watching the rain pours on the edge of ther roof, she felt that she is feeling the rain as if the rain is alive and she is connected with it, experiencing it as she is the rain itself.
One time they were sharing their experiences, she suddenly felt her body moving also when someone speaks, she also feels everyone
Danced, telling stories spontaneously, painted together in one big canvas
oneness, we are one in different forms
sensitivity makes you experience life around you
being one with the rain, with everyone,
becoming a child again, innocent and playful
Mystical Fungi
Leela was invited by to a full moon party on a remote beach
introduction, tribal music, small ceremony to drink the juice
Leela got inside her tent and stated to go on an inner trip, saw visions of beautiful kaleidoscope of patterns and colors, looks like from the Egyptian era
Ego entered and she told the plant that she doesn't want entertainment, she wants insights and answers
bad trip kicked in, she went in a time loop where she sees her inhibitions, confusion, anger, frustrations, resentments, it was a mind-bending experience
until finally she cannot take this agony then the word EGO was spelled out on her face, she was just stunned before the word, felt shame inside her and that's the time she just let go and accepted herself
She felt immense peace and oneness with everything around her, the clouds seems so close and alive, she realized there is no purpose, the people were amazing, the storm that came was the. best storm she had ever experienced in her life
dissolution of ego through acceptance
there is no purpose, life is a purpose itself
a storm can be a beautiful experience also if bliss happens
Love Is The Answer
Leela travelled to a tranquil place with a sacred atmosphere in it
The shaman gave here the brew and after some time she vomited and the shaman came to her singing and shaking some leaves around her to cleanse her energy. healers also came to her for comfort and assisted her.
Love is the answer
Experiencing parallel reality
Experiencing feeling of death
Leela took again another brew after resting and felt cold shivers in her body. The feeling was she was on the ocean beds, seeing corals, seaweeds
She felt she was dreaming was she was also totally aware of what was happening outside and her experience inside herself too
Deep relaxation where she feels her slow deep breaths
She saw Ferris wheel, bright lights and colors floating everywhere. She thought she was in another planet or universe, seeing the stars up close
Felt her body disintegrating but when she realized its her death, she panicked and didn't let go
Remembered her past relationships, the sadness, the hurt. Then it came to her that the love she is giving to one person, she can also give to everyone. And at that moment the feeling of love, gratitude to God, to the universe, descended on her. She knew that love is the answer and that she is the love.
Absolute Contentment
She felt a deep calm and awareness
ultimate relaxation
presence in the moment
everything is the same
She noticed her movements were very slow, how she handles the cup of tea on her hand, how she lifted the cup to touch her lips, and how she sipped the tea
Saw the flowers in vivid colors, plants and trees so alive
As she sat in meditation, tears rolled down her face, it was an outpouring of joy and boss
Her mood changed into laughter. Felt every inch of her body was ecstatic, each moved make her laugh even more. She was rolling on her belly just laughing continuously
There was silence again and this time in her meditation, she got an insight that everything is the same. There is nothing higher or lower. There is sameness in everything. That whatever we choose doesn't matter, it's just a choice. There is no mistake. There are different choices but there is a force that cannot be changed, it is eternal, forever and ever and ever. Then Leela felt deep relaxation, deep let-go, and allowing life.
As the music played, she slowly move her body and dance. As she immersed herself in the dance, she felt a feeling of freedom, removed her clothes and dance wherever her body feels. Blissfully move in the music, experiencing the moment.
“He who dances on the edge of the abyss knows the secrets of both laughter and wisdom."
Finding Laughs in the Darkness
Chapter 1
Escaping the Corporate Maze
Mr. Dela Cruz
Leela's chitchat with Janine about her
upcoming spiritual retreat
Leela staying late in the office, received a GIF message on her phone, turned out as a portal that sucked her in another realm, left her wondering what mysteries lay ahead
Leela's contemplation on her longing on
embarking into self-discovery
Mr. Dela Cruz, Leela's boss, reminding her of the report
needed in the meeting the next day
Follow your intuition
Follow your heart
Quotation ???
Chapter 4
A Crazy Rainbow Ride
The Circus of Life
The Soap Bubble Frog
The frog which creates soap bubbles as he speaks escaped from the castle
(Why would the frog escape?
What is it about amusing the kids that made him want to escape?)
Leela was sent by Dr. Chuckles to look for the fearless clown
so she can rediscover her childlike wonder, go deeper in the discovery of herself, the secret of life
Leela encounters the frog
The clown appears before Leela in its rainbow car when the rain stops
As Leela and the frog separates, it reminded her that "life is a soap bubble"
The impermanence of life/existence.
It is beautiful but at the same time so fragile, mesmerizing, but at the same time, any moment it can disappear
The Annulment
(Breaking Free)
Leela recalls her reason of entering marriage due to cultural conditioning, society, family pressure, following the norms, without questioning
The Rebellious Spirit shows the desire to create its own path, going against the tradition though the pressure is strong,
Complexity of undergoing annulment process
Separation and reflecting the experience of marriage
going against the status quo or tradition
Regaining my freedom, deciding for myself by breaking away the tradition
Deciding fro myself not waiting for the other to make the decision or compromise
Letting Go, Moving On
Leela starts to make changes in her life after losing connection from her husband
Attended different workshops, self-help, financial seminars, and meditation
Started to do guided meditations from YouTube and it became her mentor in discovering spirituality with different teachers and masters
As Leela immersed herself through different spiritual experiences, she began to feel a deeper longing to explore new opportunities and discover a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life
Leela contemplated on leaving her stable job
Leela finally had the courage to leave the company and jump into the unknown
listening to the deep longing deep inside us
Having the courage to go against societal conventions
Breaking away from the career dream
Leaving the comfort zone to discover the unknown layers of life
Security, stability, comfort zone, money, recognition, prestige
The Cave In the Clouds
The Mischievous Fairies
"Strap In, Hang On,
and Pray Your Socks Don't Fly Off”
The Fearless Clown
The Fearless Clown invites Leela to hop in the car to have some fun and navigate the ups and downs of life!
Leela is transported into a phase of her life where it is not so funny
The importance of healing the memories, challenges helps us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our emotions
Helps us to bring ups and downs of life
Confronting fear and finding/embracing courage
Chapter 6
The Joker's Wisdom
The Curse Revealed ???
The Meditations
Laughing Meditation
Actualizing Joy
Uncivilizing Yourself
Life as a Movie
“ The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” - Shakespeare
Chapter 2
The Laboratory of Laughter (LOL)
Goggles and Portals
Dr. Chukles telling Leela that she is on an experiment
mission to travel intedimensionally
Leela was given a goggles gadget to monitor her experience
experiment is the key not the theory
Theory is in the mind, experiment is the real
Always choose experiment over theory
Giggles in the Glass Tube
Dr. Chuckles jokes
Research on importance of Laughter
Lesson ????
The Journey Begins
Dr. Chuckles gives instructions about the experiment
A Trippy Arrival
Leela jumps through the sunflower portal and crash-lands in the lab's garden, surrounded by a breathtaking field of sunflowers.
Dr. Chuckles welcome Leela
Lesson ????
Seriositatem dissectamus humorem extractamus”
“We dissect seriousness, extract humor”
Dr. Chuckles