Collegiate Roadmap

Why I came to College

I wanted to have more flexibility in my future and have financial stability and independence. I also wanted to learn and develop myself as a human being in a way that sets me up to be the most educated and happiest that I can be

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Specific Goals at Champlain

Strengths and Weaknesses (SWOT)

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Resources and Support Network

Strengths: Logic driven, creative, thoughtful, and goal oriented

Weaknesses: Procrastination is evident, unsure of a clear path to execute

Opportunities: Attending college, job fairs, and making and strengthening existing relationships. Exploring different geographical locations as well.

Threats: Pandemics and unforeseen geographical/social events that could derail the original end goal. Substances and lack of motivation can also derail the end goal.

Make new and lasting friends and connections

Graduate on time with your financial aid scholorships

Become more consistent and productive as a person

My family is a somewhat okay support network, not so much my Mom but my Dad is there and helping me get through college and the loan situations and whatnot so that I have this opportunity to succeed in life

Reaching out to Champlain support teams like Champsupport and counselors can help me make sure my mental and physical wellbeing and ability to succeed at college are intact.