Tort law

a tort occurs when there is a breach of a general duty fixed by civil law

it is owed to the public at large

the relevant action is directed towards compensation for the damage done by the wrongdoer

the defendant must have committed the act (breach of a duty)

damage has been caused as a result of the behaviour of the defendant

it may require fault or a particular state of mind

in common law the most important is the tort of negligence


The two main ways to compensate are

restitution in integrum


compensatory damages: damages recovered in payment for

economic loss

actual injury

it does not include punitive damages

it is divided in

general damages

special damages

the presence of the duty to mitigate element

monetary recovery in a lawsuit for injuries suffered

breach of contract with impossibility of indicating the precise amount

they are for specific costs

malice intent but not punitive

party's obligation to make a reasonable effort to mitigate the impact of the other unlawful behaviour

if there was not reasonable efforts

damages could be

totally excluded

partially excluded

non compensatory damages

exception to the rule

not intended to compensate

bu to correspond the advantage


contemptuous damages: there was a violation but of trivial nature


legal injury without a actual loss: iniuria sine damno

aggravated: Damages assessed to compensate a claimant for the additional distress or injury to feelings arising from the manner in which the defendant committed the wrong against him

exemplary damages

as a result of a particular behaviour

not as equivalence to the damage

equitable remedies

They are awarded when legal remedy is not sufficient


cease to do a specific acction

or do a specific action

damages could be




certain examples




in business

Fraudulent misrepresentation

Interference in contractual relations

Unfair business practices

That means entering another persons property without permission of the owner of this agent

no lawful authority

The proof of the invasion is sufficient to demonstrate a damage

That could be also nonmaterial

Is the treat of the attempt to strengthen the other person what does successfully or not provide that to target is aware of the danger

Is regarded as both

Criminal law


Consists in their failure to exercise of the towards others

It is based on reasonableness test

Civil prom is accidental

not intentional tort

It has certain rules on the burden of proof

The party which was negligent has specific duty which is owed to the general public or to the one injured

The defendant action was negligent, meaning that his action was not compelling, withstand a reasonable, this other person

The damages are a result of the negligence of the person

Negligence is the weather the consequences were reasonably foreseeable

It's mainly arises in contract law

Phantom Taz, intentionally or negligently, misrepresented the factor in opinion, with intention of causing the consent of the other parties to the contract

The elemental Wizard of Oz misrepresentation must be essential to the conclusion of the contract

Damages awarded to the party, which passengers Paddy concept of another person interfering contractual relationship without the party

It's includes


False advertising

Tired selling

Manufacturing standards not resectedl

it falls into three categorie

intentional torts


strict liability

absolute liability

Santoor travels regarded by criminal always crimes

The front standard of proof

In civil law, the standard of proof is regarded as the probabilities test

Criminal law, the tests based on that beyond any reasonable doubt element

different outcomes