Sample Size

Running and Analyzing Sample Size Tests in Minitab

What information is required for choosing sample size

Sample size calculations: Choosing the right method

A review of hypothesis testing errors

Backing to target power

Power and Sample Size

Shows required sample size for each difference and target power

Sample size is entered and power values are left blank

Standard deviation




Practical difference the experimenter wants to defect using the test

Estimated population

Can be set by the experimenter and a sample size is fixed

Level you set

Default in minitab

Type error 2

Type 1 error

Occurs when you reject the null hypothesis is true

When the null hypothesis is not true

Sample Z

Sample T

Sample Variance

Already have statistics about population

Means testing

Comparing to a target value

Means testing

Do not have statistics of a population

Comparing to a target value

Variance testing

Comparing variance

Proportion Testing (rate, x per y)