Book club mobile app
non-functional requirements
functional requirements
user experience
log in for existing book club members
view club meeting calendar and the book
review the book prior to the meeting
read others book reviews
select book club
vote on the possible novels
search for novels to add to the reading list
data security
stored live in a sql relational database (tables with rows and columns)
all text inputs will be sanitized
user data will be stored hashed or encrypted
no users will be able to access personal user data
the interface will be designed with familiarity across pages and with existing systems in mind
user processes will be ordered logically
a navigation bar will always be present at the top of each page to allow all pages to be accessed at any time
style / brand
as an extension of the book clubs Australia website, this system will follow similar styling making it visually integrated
me users will have internal sound impairments or external conditions such as being in a noisy area that will effect their experience. To account for this, sound will not be used for any purpose in the system
Some users will have internal visual impairments or external conditions such as room lighting that will effect their experience. To account for this the text will always contrast to the background to make it readable
buttons will be large as touch screen has a lower precision than a mouse, additionally keyboard will pop up when the user has to type
smaller screen size
ui objects will be larger to increase readability and only important elements will be immediately visible
lower processing power
system will use simplistic graphics and efficient data storage