Religion and Belief Systems Post-1945

Contemporary Aboriginal Spiritualities

Religious Expression in Australia

Aboriginal Spirituality is determined by the Dreaming


Ceremonial life

Obligations to the Land and People



Seperation from land

separation from kinship groups

the Stolen Generations

Continuing effects

lower life expectancy

higher rates of infant mortality

higher unemployment rates

loss of spiritual identity

loss of purpose in life

higher use of drugs and alcohol

spirituality and culture not passed on to next generations


Land Rights Movement

Wik decision

Native Title


Impacts on religious makeup

Religious growth and decay

Buddhium and Hinduism increasing (in percentages)

No religion is almost half of the population

Percentage of Christianity decreasing

Christianity as the major religious tradition


denominational switching

rise of New Age religions


Christian ecumenical movements

The National Council of Churches

NSW Ecumenical Council

Interfaith dialogue

relationship between Aboriginal Spiritualities and religious traditions