Unit 3: Preparing a Research Proposal

The Ethics of Research

Understanding the ethical considerations in research.

Respecting the rights and well-being of participants.

Ensuring informed consent and confidentiality.

Definition and Purpose of a Research Proposal

Defining what a research proposal is.

Exploring the purpose of a research proposal in the research process.

Communicating the research plan and justifying its importance.

Components of the Research Proposal

Title and Abstract

Components of the Research Proposal

Summarizing the research proposal in the abstract.

Introduction and Background

Providing context and rationale for the research.

Reviewing relevant literature and previous studies.

Research Questions or Objectives

Stating the main research question or specific objectives.

Aligning the research questions with the research purpose.

Research Design and Methodology

Describing the overall research design (e.g., experimental, correlational).

Detailing the research methods and data collection techniques.

Sampling and Data Collection

Explaining the sampling strategy and sample size determination.

Describing the data collection procedures and tools.

Data Analysis

Outlining the data analysis methods and statistical techniques.

Discussing how the research findings will be interpreted.

Ethical Considerations

Addressing ethical issues and potential risks.

Describing the steps taken to ensure ethical research conduct.

Timeline and Budget

Presenting a timeline of the research activities.

Estimating the budget required for the research.


Citing the relevant literature sources used in the proposal.