The Group purchases aluminium rods and copper on an ongoing basis for their own production. As a result of the volatility in aluminium and copper prices, the Group holds commodity forward contracts designated as hedges of highly probable forecast aluminium and copper purchases to reduce the volatility of cash flows.
These contracts are intended to hedge the volatility in the purchase price of aluminium and copper for a period between 3 to 12 months based on anticipated raw material requirements. As at 31 May 2022, the cash flow hedges of the highly probable forecast aluminium and copper purchases were assessed to be highly effective.
A net unrealised loss of RM1,028,000 (2020: a net unrealised gain of RM1,512,000) with a related deferred tax liabilities of RM247,000 (2020: deferred tax liabilities of RM361,000) was included in other comprehensive income in respect of these contracts. The amounts retained in other comprehensive income in May 2022 are expected to mature and affect the profit or loss in 2023 by a loss of RM781,000.