Cuban Missile Crisis
October 1962
15th- A U-2 reconnaissance aircraft reveals SS-4 nuclear missiles in Cuba and Missile sites.
18th- JFK meets with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrie Gromyko and advises him that America will not tolerate Soviet missiles in Cuba. Gromyko denies the presence of any Soviet weaponry in Cuba. This also the time of the start of operation Dominic (1.59 Megaton yield Hydrogen bomb test)
20th- President Kennedy returns to Washington to discuss the discovery of additional Soviet missiles in Cuba.
21st- President Kennedy decides on a naval blockade of Cuba.
23rd- The OAS (Organization of American States) supports the decision to quarantine Cuba. Reconnaissance photos reveal that Soviet missiles are ready for launch.
Soviet ships reach the quarantine line, but receive radio orders from Moscow to hold their positions.
President Kennedy concludes that if Cuba is invaded in the next ten days, the missile base crews in there will likely fire at least some of the missiles at US targets.
McNamara talks of a very dangerous situation since ships approaching the quarantine line are being shadowed by a Soviet submarine.
EX-COMM receives a letter from Khrushchev stating that the Soviets would remove their missiles if President Kennedy publicly guarantees the U.S. will not invade Cuba.
The CIA reports that the construction of the missile sites is continuing and accelerating. RFK meets secretly with Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin and agrees after a phone call to the president that the removal of US missiles from Turkey is negotiable as part of a comprehensive settlement.
Khrushchev receives a cable from Castro urging a nuclear first strike against the US in the event of an invasion of Cuba.
While one U-2 spy plane accidentally flies into Russia, another is shot down over Cuba. EX-COMM receives a second letter from Khrushchev stating that, in addition to a public promise not to invade Cuba, the U.S. remove its missiles from Turkey.
The crisis is over. In a speech aired on Radio Moscow, Khrushchev announces the dismantling of Soviet missiles in Cuba and does not insist on his demands concerning the removal of U.S. missiles from Turkey.
President Kennedy orders US ships to remain on the quarantine line and authorizes continuation of low-level reconnaissance flights.
November 1962-
Just over a month after the crisis began, President Kennedy terminates the quarantine when Khrushchev agrees after several weeks of tense negotiations at the UN to withdraw Soviet IL-28 nuclear bombers from Cuba.
Timeline Fact file on Cuban Missile Crisis:
Follow the dates from October to November