musical theatre

Earlier musicals were influenced by jazz and swing music while lots of musicals from the 1970s onwards used rock music.

Earlier musicals were influenced by jazz and swing music while lots of musicals from the 1970s onwards used rock music.

Earlier musicals were influenced by jazz and swing music while lots of musicals from the 1970s onwards used rock music.

Some musicals hit the charts. For example, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Don’t cry for me Argentina’ and ‘Memory’.

Some musicals hit the charts. For example, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Don’t cry for me Argentina’ and ‘Memory’.

The harmony is diatonic – it’ll either be in a major or minor key.

The song structure is often simple with alternating verses and choruses and a middle 8 (like a pop song).


Starlight Express is a rock musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It had it’s first performance in 1984. It became famous because the cast perform wearing roller skates.

Solo character song – a character sings about how they’re feeling.

Duet – duets are basically the same as solo character songs, except there are two people singing so you get two different reactions to a situation. You can also get trios, quartets, etc.

Duet – duets are basically the same as solo character songs, except there are two people singing so you get two different reactions to a situation. You can also get trios, quartets, etc.

intro verse chorus verse chorus bridge chorus coda this is known as a verse chorus structure

rolling stones led Zeppelin blackberry smoke acdc good bands created rock

chuck berry paul weller jhpn beard created rock and blues

tellicaster gibson straicasters d tuned all makes blues usualy in a.

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Placed emphasis on loud and aggressive distorted solo guitar.

Featured riffs, virtuoso solos and fills.

Often used a range of tonalities, including modal scales.

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Emerged during the late 60s.

Extended the normal 3-5 minutes of popular music forms into pieces lasting up to 15 minutes or more. In this sense, it tried to copy classical music and jazz, where the development of musical ideas takes much more time.

Involved lengthy instrumental solos, copying the improvised solos in jazz, and slow-moving chord patterns.

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Emerged during the late 60s.

Extended the normal 3-5 minutes of popular music forms into pieces lasting up to 15 minutes or more. In this sense, it tried to copy classical music and jazz, where the development of musical ideas takes much more time.

Involved lengthy instrumental solos, copying the improvised solos in jazz, and slow-moving chord patterns.

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tried to recreate the surreal noostalgic sunds to make the song more epicer like the who the jam status quo guns and roses and lots more

cock rock

punk rock athems glam rock heavy metal all sound loud and the same not ood

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Music contained within the action

This is usually referred to as diegetic music. It is included in the story,

e.g. music heard on a radio. Most film music is non-diegetic.

Background Music
This is often referred to as underscoring. It adds to the mood of the scene, reinforcing dramatic developments and aspects of character.

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A leitmotif is a tune that returns throughout the film. It represents a particular object, idea or character.

Composers use lots of repetition in film music.
It can remind you of something that happened earlier in the film. There may be variations such as a change of key, instrumentation, etc.

Some films use pop songs as part of their soundtrack – they’re usually released in the charts to gain publicity.