Define the research question: Clearly articulate the objective of the Delphi method. For example, "What is the most effective design method for bicycles that ensures optimal performance and user satisfaction?"
Select the expert panel: Identify and invite a diverse group of experts who possess knowledge and experience in bicycle design, engineering, ergonomics, and user experience. Aim for a panel size that allows for meaningful discussion and consensus building (typically 8-15 experts).
Round 1: Survey/questionnaire development - Prepare a questionnaire that covers the key aspects of bicycle design methods. This can include questions about frame geometry, materials, aerodynamics, components, ergonomics, and manufacturing processes. Share the questionnaire with the expert panel and ask them to rate or rank the design methods based on their expertise and experience. Provide space for qualitative comments and suggestions.
Analysis of Round 1 responses: Collect and analyze the responses from the expert panel. Identify areas of agreement, disagreements, and emerging themes. Prepare a summary report to share with the experts in Round 2.
Round 2: Feedback and refinement - Based on the analysis of Round 1, revise the questionnaire, taking into account the comments and suggestions provided by the experts. Share the summary report along with the refined questionnaire for Round 2.
Round 2 survey/questionnaire: Repeat the survey process by sharing the revised questionnaire with the expert panel. Ask them to re-evaluate the design methods based on the summary report and any changes made in the questionnaire. Again, collect quantitative ratings, rankings, and qualitative feedback.
Analysis of Round 2 responses: Analyze the Round 2 responses, comparing them to the Round 1 responses. Look for convergence and consensus among the expert panel. Identify any remaining disagreements or conflicting viewpoints.
Round 3 (if necessary): If there is a lack of consensus or unresolved disagreements, conduct additional rounds to refine the questionnaire, gather further feedback, and seek convergence among the experts. Repeat the survey and analysis process until a sufficient level of consensus is achieved.
Reporting and conclusions: Summarize the findings and conclusions of the Delphi method process. Provide recommendations for the most effective design method for bicycles based on the consensus reached among the expert panel. Discuss the rationale behind the recommended design method and any areas of ongoing debate or uncertainty.