Commonness between community and school:
Community is part of society and school is the companion of both transforming them as associated, consequently, school turns into elemental at the moment of achieving the purposes of the community. By integrating school, parents, and the community, the health, learning, and well-being of students can be encouraged so that when student's related problems are presented they can respond in an effective way.
The Teachers’ role in the community is to support the progress of society and the community with their abilities in and beyond the school. It is important to understand and appreciate their job, which can be done in diverse circumstances and programs.
Community educational participation
Its objective is summarized as democratic participation that helps to facilitate cultural approval and improve the educational performance of children belonging to cultural minorities.
The organization of the community is established in:
Dialogic Reading :improving students' abilities by sharing spaces for reading not only while in the classroom but also in their free time
Extension of learning time: offering tutorships for students that struggle with certain topics
Mixed work commissions:collaborative work of the parents and teachers by commissions approved for the school council