Distance Education 36662633442_00af1aa74e_q

References & Resources

Definitions 3338710223_a1ba090d11_q

Distance education is an educational practice concept that has been in the literature since the 1700s, when the idea of education being accessible was adopted. (Erol & Eskici, 2022)

Distance education (DE) is defined as the physical absence of the learner and the learning resource. (Büyükbayraktar, 2022)

Distance education is institution-based, formal education where the learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors. (Simonson, 2009, 2010)

Theories 8407248047_8182a65251_q

History 566912940_da5559fb8e_q

The theory base of distance education was still largely unfilled in the 1970s. (Simonson, 2022)

Example Theories

Independence of student-Charles Wedemeyer

Learner autonomy & distance between teacher and learner-Michael Moore

New Developments

Artificial Intelligence

Shift in types of technology use in distance education

Theoretical Framework Needs (Keegan, 1996)

Is distance education an educational activity?

Is distance education a form of conventional education?

Is distance education possible, or is it a contradiction of terms?

1833 Swedish Correspondence Study

1885 University of Wisconsin farmers' institutes

1951 Western Reserve University first to offer a continuous series of courses via broadcast television

1971 Open University of the UK full degree programs via distance education

2020 Covid-19 Pandemic


"Besucher spielt Distance bei der Gamescom 2017" by wuestenigel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

"A Copy of The Quran at Museum Of Natural History NY" by Muhammad is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

"Dictionary" by greeblie is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

"String theory 3" by parameter_bond is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.