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GRAMMAR - Coggle Diagram
- Quality
- Degree
- Comparison
- Classification of Adjs, Other means
- By submodifiers, By comparison, By association
- To a higher, same, lower degree
- Morphological: Simple, Affixation, Compounding, Prepositional adjs
- Syntactic: both, Attributive (pre/post-norminal), Predicative (subj/obj compl), Intensifying adjs (emphasizers, amplifiers, downtoners)
- Semantic: Stative/Dynamic, Gradadable/Non-, Inherent/Non-
- Other means: Advs, Nouns, Participles, Relative clauses
- To a higher degree: Formation (one/two-syllable), Irregular, Advs, Absolute comparison (the better), comparative of Gradation (more and more), of Proportion (the, the)
- The Adverb
- Process Adjuncts
2.1. Manner ~
2.2. Means ~
2.3. Instrument ~
- Semantic roles & Features, Classification of Advs: Mophological (simple, affixation, compounding), Syntactic (clause element, pre-modifier), Semantic (adjuncts, conjuncts, disjuncts)
- Manner: Adv (-ly), PrepP (in a ... manner), Subordinate (as, like, as if/though, how), AdvP, NP
- Means: by means of, PrepP (by-phrase, on-phrase)
- Instrument: PrepP (with-phrase), "using", Adv(-ly)
- Notion of Quantity
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Determiners
- Other means
- Word classes & Linguistic levels
- Singular (proper Nns, abstract/concrete non-count Nns, "-s": news/dominoes/measles, abstract Adj heads); Plural (~ proper Nns, Pluralia Tantum (outskirts), Zero ~ (sheep), Binary Nns, personal Adj heads); Compounds (on the last element), Count / Non-count (concrete liquid&solid substances/abstract concepts) / Dual class, Partitives (non-count, sg&pl count)
- Universal (each/every, all/both), Assertive (some, many/much, a few/a little), Non-assertive (any, either), Negative (none/neither, no)
- Pre- (all/half/both, such/what, once/twice, one-third/a third), Central (a, each/every, either, neither | these/those | this/that | some/any, enoung, - | the, my, -ever, what/which/whose, no), Post- (one/first, many/much/a few/a little)
- Vbs, AdvPs, Idioms
- The Genitive Case
- The Of-genitive
- Possessive Adjs & Prons
- Verbs of possession
- a) Morphological: Spelling, Pronunciation, Zero gen
- b) Syntactic: Determiner (like "the"), Modifier (descriptive gen)
- c) Semantic: used with (Animate/inanimate Ns), Semantic roles (Possessive, Subjective, Objective, Descriptive, of Origin, of Measure, of Attribute, Partitive)
- d) Special cases: Elliptical, Double, Locative gen
- Used with (Inanimate, "back/top...", container&contents, nomAdj, partitives), Noun+Noun structure (parts of Inanimate things, Containers, what sth is made of, measurements)
- Adjs (body, clothing, belongings) Prons (belonging, comparison)
- True, Emotional, Legal, Abstract, Temporary, Negative
- Features of Preps
- Position
- Direction
- Distance
- Spatial reference, Closed-class, No inflection, Two units (1st/2nd), Syntactic function (postmodifier, adverbl, complement)
- Dimension (at/on/in-type), +&- Position (at/away from, on/off, in/out of) & Destination (to, onto, into), Relative ~&~ (over/above, under/below,etc.), Passage (through, across, past), Others (by, beside, near, between, etc.)
- Movement, Orientation (beyond), Resulting (be already/just over/across...), Pervasive (throughout, all ...)
- NPs of measure (with Vbs of motion / Advs)
- Notion of Time
- Position (when)
- Duration (how long)
- Frequency (how often)
- Morphological (Vbs, Nns, Adjs, Preps, etc.), Syntactic (AdvPs, AdvCls), Semantic (-)
- Points/periods: Advs (today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday, now, then), Preps (at, on, in);
Boundaries: Advs (in the beginning/end, after/before that), Preps/conjs (after, before, when, while, until, since, as long as)
- Forward span (until, till, up to), Backward (since), Neutral (for/during/while, over/through, (e.g. Until when?, Since when?, How long?)
- Definite ~: Period (weekly, daily), Occasion (once, every week),
Indefinite ~: Universal (always), High (often), Usual (usually), Low/Zero (sometimes, never)
- Uses of the Infinitive
- Uses of the -ing Form
- To-infinitive vs Gerund
- a) Bare-Inf: Modals, Modal idioms, Semi-modals, Aux "do", "rather than", Accusative (hear, see, feel, know, etc.), Stereotyped / Elliptical, "Why (not)?", Coordinated
- b) To-Inf: Modal idioms, Semi-modals, Catenative vbs, Adjunct of volition (intend to), feeling (be easy to), purpose (in order to), Subordinate (what/where to), Manner (how to), Future arrangement (be to), Accusative (tell/advice sb to), Exclamatory (To think that..!)
- a) Present participle (Progressive, ~ Adjectives, ~ Clauses), b) Gerund (Noun, non-finite Vb) (e.g. I`m eating, boring, He fell playing tennis / his painting, I saw him smoking)
Non-finite Vb: after Preps, some PhVbs (give up smoking), some Vbs (keep smoking), possessive Prons/Dets (his/him smoking), "like/worth/there's no", expressions "spend/waste, go/come"
- To-Inf vs Gerund: remember/forget, try, mean, stop, like/etc, go on, *advice
- Cause or Reason
- Result or Consequence
- Purpose
- Comparison(?)
- AdvClauses: Direct relation (Cause-Effect: causal, Reason-Consequence: explanatory, Motivation-Result: as a result, Circumstance-Consequence: conditional); Indirect relation (simple/complex Subordinators (e.g. because/since/as long as), Conditional ~, Non-finite clauses); Prepositions/PPs (e.g. because of/due to); Causative Vbs (SVOA: place sth on...)
- AdvClauses (so, so that & so, such), Verbs (Accusative with Inf (SVO+to), "have/get sth done"), Prepositions/PPs with resultative ~ (e.g. be already across), Conjunctions (e.g. therefore, thus)
- AdvClauses: Subordinators (to, in order to, so as to, so, so that); Preposition (for)
- Form & Structure
- Types
- Choice
- Voice constraints
- Comparison with Sp
- Form (at the level of the VP/Clause), Auxiliaries (get, become, have sth done), Construction types (SVO, SVOO, SVOC, SVOV, except: copular & stative Vbs)
- True ~ (personal/non- Agent, Agentless), Semi-~ (Adj & Vb properties: be surprised at), Pseudo-~ (Adj properties, copular Vbs)
- Agent (action>performer, postponing), Agentless (unknown/unimportant/general, self-evident/mentioned, distance ourselves/conceal the agent)
- Verb ~ (Act: Reflexive vbs, Middle vbs, Prep vbs, Progressive / Pas: be born/drown/said), Obj ~ (finite clause), Freq ~ (Informative writing),
Meaning ~ (negatives, modals, perfective, quantifiers)
- Less frequent (pron "se", omission of Subj, "estar"+Adj), Concord, Aux "ser", Two obj sentences (only the person)
- Morphology
- Prefixation
- Suffixation
- Compounding
- Inflectional / Derivational ~
- Grammatical / Lexical morpheme
- Morph / Allomorph
- WFP: Affixation, Compounding, Conversion
Reduplication, Blending, Clipping, Acronyms
- PRE: Negative, Reversative, Pejorative, Degree, Attitude, Locative, Time, Number, Conversion, Others
- SUF: Noun (Denom, Deadj, Deverb), Adjective (Denom, Deverb), Verb, Adverb
- COM: Noun, Adj, Vb
- The Word as a Linguistic Sign
- Homonymy, Synonymy, Antonymy
- False Friends
- Lexical Creativity
- Semiotics / Saussure (Langue/Parole, Signifier/ed, Syntagmatic/Paradigmatic)
- True / Polysemous homonyms
- True / Partial synonyms
- Absolute / Gradual / Relational antonyms
- False friends / Cognates
- Neologism / Conversion / Semantic transfer
(metaphor, metonymy, synechdote)
- The Verb Phrase
- Tense
- Aspect
- Mood
- When?, Word classes, Linguistic levels, Types of Vbs (lexical/primary/modal) & VPs (finite/non-)
- Present (state, habitual, instantaneous), Past (event, state, habit), Future time (will, be going to, p. progressive, simple p.)
- present/past Perfect (state, events, habits), present/past Progressive (event progressive, habitual progressive), Perfect Progressive
- Indicative (unmarked: statements, negations, questions), Subjunctive (present & past: possibility, uncertainty, wish), Imperative (types: command, request)
Modality: ability, permission, possibility-probabiliy / volition, prediction, certainty, suggestion / necessity, obligation, advice
- Auxiliary verbs
- Primary aux
- Modal aux
- Open/Closed-class, Linguistic levels, Similarities (+/-/?/Elliptical), Differences (Modals+Do/Aux: concord, exclusive, finite/non-), Subclassification (Modal idioms, Semi-aux, Catenative vbs)
- Do (Aux of -/?/emphasis/substitute), Be (Aux of Progressive/Passive), Have (Aux of Perfective)
- Can/Could/May/Might (ability, permission, possibility, suggestion), Will/Shall/Would (volition, prediction, criticism), Must/Should (necessity, obligation, advice, certainty), Semi-modals (date/need, ought/used)
- Notion of multi-word vbs
- Phrasal vbs
- Prepositional vbs
- Phrasal-prep vbs
- Other multi-word vbs
- Linguistic levels, Types of lexical vbs (one/multi-, Vb+Noun+Prep, Vb+Adj, Vb+Vb), Meaning (literal/idiomatic), Synt function (transitive/in-)
- PhVbs (idiomatic, unpredictable, transitive/in-) / Free combinations (literal, alternatives "go/run/jump/drive away", "straight/right")
- PpVbs (mostly literal, intransitive (awkward passive), Adv insertion "carefully"), Vb+PrepCompl (adverbial/pronominal Q, independent)
- PhPpVbs (inseparable, intransitive, also a semantic unit)
- Vb+Noun+Prep (e.g. catch sight of), Vb+Adj (e.g. stay awake), Vb+non-finiteVb (e.g. make do, get going),
PhVbs (e.g. make up / go/run/drive away), PpVbs (e.g. look at / go into), PhPpVbs (e.g. catch up with)
- The English Sentence
- Declarative ~
- Interrogative ~
- Exclamative ~
- Imperative ~
- Sentence Types (statement/question/exclamation/directive), Elements (subj/obj/compl/advbl), Patterns (intransitive, copular, mono/di-transitive, complex)
- Declarative: Affirmative (Subj+Vb), Negative (Subj+Op-n't+Vb: Clause, Local, Predicative, Double negation)
- Interrogative: Op+Subj+Vb: Yes-no Qs (+/-Qs, QTags (falling/rising), Declarative Qs (rising), Exclamatory & Rhetorical Qs (falling)), Wh-Qs, Alternative Qs
- Exclamative: "What a...!" (predeterminer=such), "How ...!" (intensifier=so)
- Imperative: with/out Subj, Negative, Let, Persuasive
- Notions of ~
- Assertion & Non-
- Emphasis
- Objection
- Linguistic levels, Word classes, Speech Acts (locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary), Functions (assertives, directives, expressives, declaratives, commisives)
- +Statements: Assertive prons (some, one, many/much, several...), -Statements: Non-assertive pronouns (any, either) & Clause, Local, Predicative negation,
Qs: Yes-no Qs, Wh-Qs, Exclamatory & Rhetorical Qs
- Emotive ~: Emphatic "myself" & "my own", Aux of emphasis, Exclamatory s., Intensifying adjs/advs, Intensification of Qs/Neg, Interjections & Expletives, Reinforcement;
Informative ~: Theme & Rheme, Fronting, Inversion, Cleft/Pseudo- sentences, Postponement
- Objection: Disapproval (neutral, informal, formal), Disagreement (total, partial / neutral, informal, formal)
- Notions of ~/Theorical framework
- Doubt
- Condition & Hypothesis
- Contrast
- Grammatical categories (sentence/phrase), Sentence structures (simple/compound/complex), Semantic roles of Advs (Space, Time, Process, Contingency, Modality, Degree, Respect)
- Modals of Possibility & Certainty (can & could, may & might / must & can't), QTags, Literally by lexical Vbs Nns, Adjs, Advs, Syntactic structures
- Direct/Indirect ~, Open/Hypothetical ~, Type1 (probability) present-..., Type2 (improbability) past-..., Type3 (impossibility) past perfect-...; Other ~ types: Inversion (had/should/would), Coordination (and, or, but), Non-finite, Rhetorical, Alternative (whether...or...), Other conjunctions (provided that, as long as, in case that, if only, etc.)
- Concessive clauses: Although (subordinator), Despite (preposition), While (subordinator), However (adv=conjunct), But/yet (coordinator), Idiomatic expressions