Correlational Research


A type of descriptive research

Determine whether, and to what degree, a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables

Relationship exist means scores within a certain range on one variable are associated with scores within a certain range on the other variable

Degree of relationships: Correlation coefficient


Investigate variables

A high correlation between 2 variables does not imply one causes the other

Determine relationships between variables or use these relationships to make predictions

Correlational relationships, not cause-effect permit prediction


Data Analysis and Interpretation

Design and Procedure

Participant and Instrument Selection

Problem selection

The major types

Relationship Studies

Prediction Studies

suggest subsequent examination

Gain insights into variables that are related to complex variables

Provide control in causal-comparative and experimental studies



If two variables are highly related, scores on one variable can be used to predict scores on the other variable

Conducted to test variables believed to be good predictors of a criterion

Prediction based on a combination of these variables will be more accurate if several predictor variables each correlate well with a criterion.

Can use more than 1 variable to make predictions