weimar 1924-28- golden years?
economic recovery
heavy industry quickly recovered, production back to levels of 1913 by 1928, more efficient production and more foreign investment, so industry improved.
german exports rose by 40% 1925-1929, so wages increased up to 10% by 1928.
progressive tax- higher income means more tax, thresholds.
social legislation
working conditions- law meant 48 hours max. working week, state scheme fro strike negotiations,
benefits and pensions for wounded and widows in welfare scheme.
national youth welfare law 1922- programmes for young people from poor backgrounds nad funding for cluns and sports facilitiesl
health and pensions- more standardised pensions better health insurance from doctors and insurance funds, accident insurance for workers.
larges unemployment benefit scheme- covered 17 million workers.
creation of a welfare state.
economic weaknesses- growth uneven, high unemployment, argiculture slow and low income
political stability
extreme eft/ right voted out of gov, spd made significant gains, wanted to keep democracy and keep workers
ZP strong midde ground, took part in all governments.
hindenberg stayed loyal to constitution
political system managed to survive putsches and maintain law and order.
political instability
coalition governments never worked- longest suviving government was 21 months.
political parties irresponsible to parliamentary role.
spd- conflict between joining coalitions and full control- left wing estremist views so didnt join 1920-28.
ZP divide of left/right wing.
only minor success- no stable government or strenghtening political structure.
foreign policy
Dawes plan- reparations fixed on germany's economyfor 5 years, loans with america, germany's financial issues recognised internationally for first time.
locarno pact 1925- mutual adreement on boarders between france, germany, belgium, rhineland demilitarised.
treaty of berlin 1926- germany and USSR friends, possibility of military co operation
kellog- briand pact 19 28- outlaw war, stop world wars happening again.
young plan 1929- negotiating reparations, bank for international settlements set up.