ITALY 1915-1925
ITALY 1896-1915
economic boom 1896-1912
challenges of socialism and nationalism
social and economic problems
foreign policy
problems with the unification
no support from the masses, the pope didnt recognise the unification, there were different currencies, weights and measures, different dialects and 70% of the south was illiterate
appeal of fascism
occupation of fiume
consequences of WW1
1921 electoral pact
march on rome and what it led to
murder of matteotti
economic policy
social policy
relations w the church
jewish policy
propaganda and image of duce
corporate state
abyssian war and the spanish civil war
pact of steel
locarno and kellog briand pact
corfu incident
entry into the second world war
aims of foreign policy
failures in africa
- NORTH AND SOUTH DIVIDE, the north was majorly industrialised whereas the south was ignored and didnt feel part of italy as well as this, the south was suffering with malnutrition and malaria
HOWEVER - gov expenditure increased until 1907 which improved farming, roads and drinking water as quinine was also supplied
- GDP grew 2.8% annually as from 1900-10 6 million italians left but kept sending money
- by 1912 italy was producing more electricity than france
- SBF grew from 6000 to 130,000 tonnes
- italioans grew richer by 2.1%
NATIONALISM - to identify with ones country and for all people to identify as one