Lesson 10 - Roger's Theory & Self-Concept

Self-actualisation = a drive that pushes you towards becoming the person you're truly meant to be




positive regard

Acorn analogy

acorn = being planted & releasing inborn potential = becomes an oak tree (same as human born with potential to grow into a successful person

SELF theory - the self is the driver of a persons life (having a sense of understanding and of knowing your strengths/weaknesses/values/needs will help you grow


the degree of liking and accepting that you have for yourself - when you feel good about yourself, your self-concept improves.

self-fulfilling prophecy (an idea that you have about yourself and end up justifying, STRENGTH of idea INFLUENCES outcome)



self-belief = i am okay

feelings = i can do it

behaviour = i do it

feedback from others = you did it!

self-belief = i am a failure

feelings = i can't do anything

behaviour = i don't do anything

feedback from others= she did nothing, she must be a failure

UNCONDITIONAL positive regard (UPR)

parent's love and approval is unconditional

GOOD - helps children see themselves as having intrinsic worth

parents will punish based off of BEHAVIOUR, not the child (eg. i'm angry that you made a mess all over the kitchen floor)

CONDITIONAL positive regard (CPR)

only showing love when child behaves in SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE ways

parents punish based off of CHILD (eg. I'm angry that you made a mess all over the floor - i'm disappointed in you, bad girl)


congruence - self-concept corresponds with your potential self + you feel comfortable to express your true nature & potential

incongruence - when the expectation of behaviour is placed on you don't fit your self-concept

denial - ignoring feelings associated with not being able to show your true self

distortion - twisting experiences to make it fit your self-concept