Free will must be complete and genuine and must have been given so that we can have a complete and genuine relationship with God. With true freedom comes the possibility of consequences, even if they are negative. Genuine freedom requires all possible choices and all possible consequences and needs to be free from God's intervention.
EPISTEMIC DISTANCE= The gap in knowledge between God and humanity; human inability to know God fully.
The epistemic distance gives us the space we need to use our freedom fully.
For Hick, something is only good when its purpose is considered. If there were a world with no possibility of pain, that might be good on one level, but it would not be good in the sense of soul making. INSTRUMENTAL GOOD= A good that is for a particular purpose. This is instrumentally good because it is good for our development into God's likeness. Essentially, suffering is good.
-We are made in God's image but must develop into his likeness.
-In this 'vale of soul making' we have to try to come to a fuller knowledge of god (overcoming epistemic distance).
-We can only do this with free will.
-We need to use evil and suffering in this process, by responding appropriately to them.
Our response to suffering helps develop our virtues, such as compassion and charity, which help us grow as people.
HICK FELT THAT THE IDEA OF HELL CONTRIBUTES TO THE PROBELM OF EVIL, BECAUSE NO GOOD CAN COME FROM A PLACE OF ETERNAL SUFFERING. For hick, hell must be a please of cleasning, further soul making, before humans go on to heaven, especially as some people die at different stages of their soul making process and some die as a result of innocent suffering. HICK BELIEVES IN UNIVERSAL SALVATION.
The idea of universal salvation presents a much more all loving God than Irenaeus. One that forgives all, as he is described to, and offers redemption to all people. does not rely on seminal presence. In line with the modern understanding of evolution. Allows a NON-LITERAL APPROACH to genesis. It gives a purpose to natural evil. It focuses on the importance of relationships.
WEAKNESSES- Why is the epistemic distance gap so large? Does not take into account the suffering of animals on the planet. Does not explain the imbalance of suffering throughout the world- why some people suffer worse.Universal salvation takes away the aspect of behaving well- if all humans are forgiven then why would you try to spiritually mature?