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Training and Knowledge Management, Mayra Lee - Coggle Diagram
Training and Knowledge Management
The information society, the knowledge society and the knowledge economy.
Specific objectives (Learning Outcomes)
Offer participants advanced concepts on the governance of organizational knowledge processes.
The impact of information technologies and telecommunications in the configuration of the new economy
ICTs and the Internet are the engines of the Digital Economy, as they contribute to boosting innovation, economic growth, generating sources of employment, increasing productivity, enhancing competitiveness, among other benefits.
The main characteristics of the new environment: turbulence, complexity, constant changes, uncertainty, super competitiveness
In recent years, companies have been faced with a turbulent environment, characterized mainly by uncertainty, dynamism and complexity. Uncertainty becomes evident when making decisions; without being able to be certain about what can happen to the company
The dynamism is observed by the permanent change in the needs of customers and the emergence of new products, which causes an increase in price rivalry
complexity can be identified in the emergence of new actors with whom one must interact to carry out a transaction
Business excellence in the context of society and the knowledge economy
The term quality is synonymous with success, since the implementation of Quality Management Systems favors the efficiency of the processes. However, under the premise that everything can be improved, the most demanding companies develop plans and strategies that allow them to turn quality into Excellence
The most used research methodologies in knowledge management and intangibles.
Specific objective (Learning outcome)
Specific objective (Learning outcome)
Design methodologies
Design studies are conceptualized as a research methodology that links particular forms of learning engineering and systematic studies of such learning within a specific context.
The methodologies of empirical studies
It is a research model that aims to obtain knowledge from the observation of reality. Therefore, it is based on experience.
The human point of view, tacit and explicit knowledge
Explicit knowledge is that which can be articulated, codified and stored in some kind of medium, while tacit knowledge is that which is only obtained through experience and which is communicated indirectly.
The creation of knowledge and innovation
Usually it is considered that knowledge management refers to "thinking", while innovation is oriented to "doing". However, the creation and management of knowledge and innovation are different processes but related to a clear reciprocity
The strategic direction of knowledge
Specific objectives (Learning Outcome)
Create a base of competences in the participants adapted to the framework of needs required by the Science-technology-society or R+D+I Systems, represented by the agents that integrate them
Strategic management in the knowledge economy
Traditionally, the Strategic Management has been dedicated to analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of an organization derived from its tangible resources, as well as matching them with the opportunities and threats coming from the environment.
Immersed in the New Knowledge Economy, this approach must be reconsidered to include in it, as a decisive part of the strategic process, the evaluation of intangible resources, that is, the management of the company's intellectual capital.
The theory of resources and capabilities as an essential paradigm to direct knowledge towards the creation of essential competencies and capabilities to achieve sustainable competitive advantages
The theory of resources and capabilities is a tool that allows determining the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization. According to this theory, the development of distinctive capabilities is the only way to achieve sustainable competitive advantages
Organizational structures in the knowledge-based organization
The importance of developing an organizational structure is to achieve the operation of the proposed strategy in the direction, regardless of whether it is traditional or emerging, because the organization needs to adopt the correct structure
Designing a structure involves assigning task responsibilities and decision-making authority within an organization
Organizational structures in the organization based on education
The study of educational centers in the general framework of the theory of organizations has allowed great advances in their scientific knowledge, in ways of approaching their study and in the research that is generated on schools understood from the generic organizational perspective and from the specific perspective for being organizations that educate
The impact of new information technologies or telecommunications on organizational structures
Specific objectives (Learning Outcomes)
Develop training from the "teaching-research" interaction, transferring the most innovative advances and practices within the subject in question, through the contrast of specialized Workshops and Laboratories
The "N-Form" or The company in the form of a network
The company-network is a business model formed from a constellation of legally independent small companies, but coordinated by the same production cycle.
Network companies will be the true machines for creating competitive advantages. In fact, new companies structured in a network will be made up of a complex system of small and medium-sized companies, linked together by the value chain of the main company.
Hypertext structures for the creation of knowledge
The hypertext structure is made up of three essential elements: nodes, links and anchors
The nodes are the basic units that contain the information, the links interconnect the nodes linking information segments and the anchors serve to mark the beginning and the destination of each link.
The virtual company and the phenomenon of virtualization
virtual company that which is born within the Internet, supported by a very 'light' organization and whose activities, be it the sale of products or services, are carried out through the network
that virtualization is a phenomenon that is beginning to affect traditional economy companies and is motivated by a whole series of factors, such as the progressive outsourcing of certain production processes that were assumed in the past, the use of new technologies for information communication, company with its customers, suppliers and employees, as well as the opening of new offices abroad that make it necessary to decentralize decision-making and sometimes even the hard core of the organization
The creation of new knowledge and innovation
When we talk about knowledge management, we tend to think of systems whose objective is focused on capturing, organizing and distributing the information and knowledge of the organization. We rarely think that knowledge management also serves to generate new knowledge, that is, to innovate
Normally we understand innovation as costly processes of research, development, acquisition and transfer of technology applied to product development or the production process
Information management
Specific objectives (Learning outcome)
Evaluate and monitor the progress and development of the knowledge base of the participants, with the practical contrast of the corresponding systems and applications
Information and knowledge. The importance of proper information management to achieve sustainable competitive advantages
Good information management within companies means effective communication, better understanding, better performance, greater growth and therefore greater profits; both economic and positioning, which becomes a competitive advantage in the market
The different stages in information management: identify, capture, store, distribute, share and reuse
Over time, this accumulation of experience and learning serves to build a shared knowledge base with the potential to facilitate work execution and accelerate innovation.
The management of intangible assets and intellectual capital. microeconomic perspective
An asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which the entity expects to derive future economic benefits
An intangible asset is an identifiable asset, of a non-monetary nature and without physical appearance.
Essential knowledge, essential competencies, essential skills and intellectual capital
The economic theory of the company emphasizes that in order to formulate successful strategies, these must be based on knowledge rather than on the management of the company's tangible assets. In a company there are two different types of competencies, one in which the intellectual capital of operations is developed and the other oriented to the development of the intellectual capital of innovation.
Mayra Lee