The Treaty of Versailles was the peace agreement which brought a permanent end to the war.
T: Territory- Germany lost land. ermany lost both her empire (overseas colonies) and a lot of land on her borders. Parts of West Germany (the Rhineland) was also demilitarised, which meant that Germany could not put soldiers there to defend it. For examples, Alsace-Lorraine given to France.
R: Reparations- Germany was forced to pay money to the Allies, especially he French and the Belgians. For example, £6,600 million (£6.6 billion)
A: Armed Forces- Germany was not allowed to keep her military forces. Her army, navy and air force would all be reduced in size. For example, 100,000 in the Army.
W- War Guilt- Germany was forced to accept that she started the war. Now that Germany was admitting blame, this made it easier to justify the reparations. Germans resented this, because they believed that they were defending themselves in WW1. For example, Article 231.
L: League of Nations- Germany was not allowed to in the League of Nations. For example, the League of Nations was a peacekeeping organisation set up in 1919. It aimed to sort out arguments between rival countries.