The process of pregnancy to delivery is a chain of one unit from conception, nidation, introduction of adaptation, maintenance of pregnancy, endocrine changes in preparation for the birth of the baby, and delivery with readiness to care for the baby (Sitanggang et al, 2012). 1. Ovulation Ovulation is the process of releasing ovum which is influenced by a complex hormonal system. During the fertile period, which lasts 20-35 years, only 420 ovum can participate in the maturation process and ovulation occurs (Manuaba, 2012). Every month a woman releases one to two eggs from the ovaries (ovulation) which are captured by the fimbriae and enter the egg (Dewi et al, 2014). The release of an egg (ovum) only occurs once per month, around the 14th day of a normal 28-day menstrual cycle. 2. Spermatozoa Sperm looks like a tadpole consisting of a slightly flattened oval-shaped head filled with a nucleus (nucleus). The neck that connects the head to the middle and the tail can vibrate so that the sperm can move quickly. The length of the tail is about ten times the head.