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Organizer (Motions and Points) - Coggle Diagram
Organizer (Motions and Points)
"Open topic" means that there is no thematic restriction, and one can speak or write about any topic they desire or that is relevant at that moment.
"To define the topic to be discussed" refers to the action of clearly establishing the subject that will be the focus of debate or conversation, providing a foundation for discussion and facilitating the focus and organization of participants.
Motions: Points:
Motions: Points:
Motions: This means that before the debate begins, a speakers list will be established, in which each delegation or participant will have an assigned time to present their viewpoints on the topic at hand. Each speaker will have one minute to express their ideas, arguments, or perspectives. The speakers list helps organize and structure the debate, ensuring that each participant has the opportunity to participate and present their views in an orderly and equitable manner.
Points:"Open moderated caucus" is an open and moderated format of discussion in which delegates have the opportunity to express their viewpoints on a specific topic in an environment guided by a moderator.
Motions: Points:
Motions: "Open moderated caucus" is an open and moderated format of discussion in which delegates have the opportunity to express their viewpoints on a specific topic in an environment guided by a moderator.
This text describes a format of debate or discussion in which delegations can participate freely without a fixed speakers list and with the ability to intervene immediately after being granted the floor. The moderated caucus can have a flexible duration, and there is no set time limit.
"Simple Caucus" es un formato de debate no moderado en el cual los delegados pueden abandonar sus asientos y participar en conversaciones directas entre ellos. Es un espacio para intercambiar ideas de manera más libre y espontánea, permitiendo una interacción más dinámica y sin restricciones de tiempo o estructura formal. in inglish
An "extraordinary session of questions" is an available option to question a delegation about their previously expressed position in the past. It provides a special framework to address and seek clarifications on past statements, allowing for a more direct and focused exchange regarding the position in question.
"Personal Privilege" es un derecho o privilegio personal que permite a un individuo intervenir en un debate para abordar asuntos personales o defender su reputación o honor. Las variaciones de la moción, como el "Point of Personal Privilege to make a brief preamble" y el "Point of Personal Privilege to make a follow-up", indican diferentes formas en las que se puede ejercer este privilegio para realizar una introducción breve o dar seguimiento a un asunto personal. in inglish
"Point of Personal Privilege" is a personal right or privilege that allows an individual to intervene in a debate to address personal matters or defend their reputation or honor. Variations of the motion, such as the "Point of Personal Privilege to make a brief preamble" and the "Point of Personal Privilege to make a follow-up," indicate different ways in which this privilege can be exercised to make a brief introduction or follow up on a personal matter.
cuando el turno de intervención está abierto, se puede utilizar el "Point of Personal Privilege" para solicitar permiso al Presidente o Moderador para abordar un asunto privado. Este punto permite tratar temas confidenciales o personales que requieren atención inmediata y obtener la autorización y el tiempo necesario para hacerlo. in inglish
When the floor is open, the "Point of Personal Privilege" can be used to request permission from the Chair or Moderator to address a private matter. This point allows for the discussion of confidential or personal issues that require immediate attention and the necessary authorization and time to do so.
"order" se refiere a mantener un ambiente organizado y respetuoso durante una reunión, debate o sesión. Cuando se solicita "order", se está solicitando restablecer la calma y el orden, y recordar a los participantes que deben seguir las reglas y comportarse adecuadamente. in inglish
"Order" refers to maintaining an organized and respectful environment during a meeting, debate, or session. When "order" is requested, it is a call to restore calm and order, and to remind participants to follow the rules and behave appropriately.
"correct protocol" se refiere a seguir las normas, reglas y formalidades apropiadas en una situación o contexto determinado. Al hacerlo, se busca mantener la decoro, el respeto y el orden en eventos formales o ceremoniales. in inglish
"Correct protocol" refers to following the appropriate norms, rules, and formalities in a given situation or context. By doing so, it aims to maintain decorum, respect, and order in formal or ceremonial events.
"Parliamentary Inquiry" es una solicitud realizada por un miembro del parlamento para obtener información o aclaraciones sobre el procedimiento o el contenido del debate parlamentario. Esta solicitud permite a los miembros obtener respuestas que los ayuden a participar de manera informada y efectiva en la sesión. in inglish
"Parliamentary Inquiry" is a request made by a member of parliament to obtain information or clarification about the parliamentary procedure or the content of the parliamentary debate. This request allows members to receive answers that help them participate in an informed and effective manner during the session.
"specific questions about protocol" se refiere a consultas o dudas específicas sobre las normas y reglas de protocolo en una situación determinada. Estas preguntas buscan obtener información precisa y orientación sobre cómo seguir adecuadamente el protocolo en un evento, ceremonia o contexto formal. in inglish
"Specific questions about protocol" refers to specific inquiries or doubts about the rules and regulations of protocol in a particular situation. These questions aim to obtain precise information and guidance on how to properly adhere to the protocol in an event, ceremony, or formal context.
"of information" significa "de información" en español y se utiliza para indicar que algo está relacionado con el ámbito de la información en diferentes contextos. in inglish
"Of information" translates to "de información" in Spanish and is used to indicate that something is related to the field of information in different contexts.
"to ask other delegates questions or make comments during the Speaker's list" significa "hacer preguntas a otros delegados o hacer comentarios durante la lista de oradores" y se refiere a la oportunidad de interactuar y participar en el debate al dirigirse a otros delegados durante su intervención. in inglish
"To ask other delegates questions or make comments during the Speaker's list" means having the opportunity to ask questions to other delegates or make comments while they are speaking during the designated speaker's list. This allows for interaction and active participation in the debate by addressing other delegates during their allotted time to speak.
Motions: "To define the topic to be discussed" refers to the action of clearly establishing the subject that will be the focus of debate or conversation, providing a foundation for discussion and facilitating the focus and organization of participants.
Points:By opening the speakers list, it is indicated that attendees are being given the opportunity to express their opinions, ask questions, or present their ideas in the established order of the speakers list. Opening the speakers list allows participants to register or sign up to speak during the event.
Motions: Points:
Motions: Points: