Public sector and non-profit marketing

Public sector org

The Nature of public sector orgs

Services delivered by public sector orgs have distinctive characteristics

Political objectives tend to be dominant (rather than commercial)

Societal benefits for citizens are often stressed over individual benefits to consumers of the service

The Need to serve multiple stakeholders

The spectrum of public services

public services varies tremdsloudly

categorised on a spectrum of societal vs private benefit

and the professional vs consumer judgment

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Non for profit

on-profit organisations are non-governmental and non-commercial, voluntary and charitable organisations that focus on the advancement of social causes and provide social benefits to the general public

The nature of non-for-profit

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The NVCO Identifies six charectrics for non-profit

Formality– they are formalised and institutionalised to some extent, with a recognisable structure, and a constitution or a formal set of rules

Independence – they are separate from the state and private sector

Non-profit distributing – they do not distribute profits to owners or directors but reinvest them in the organisation or use them for the benefit of the community

Self-governance – they are truly independent in determining their own course

Voluntarism – they involve a meaningful degree of voluntary participation through having, for example, a trustee board, volunteers, and donations

Public benefit – they have social objectives and work to benefit the community.

12 categories of non profit

Customers in public and non profit context

In public sector context

Alford (2002) distinguishes Two amin sets of stakeholders



3 differnt types of customers

Paying customers



People who pay for a service directly

People who benefit from service which they do not pay for

forced to interact with a public sector org in a way they would not normally chose to do

in Non profit context

similar to public sector orgs

Two toher important stakeholder groups


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Marketing comms in public sector and non for profit

Public sector






Support values and motivate


Non partisan


objective and complete

adapted to the needs of the target audience

Marketing in non-profit

Functions of non profit marketing comms

Creating awareness

Principles of non profit marketing comms

promoting causes and services


engaging volunteers

driving policatical and social change

Understanding the audience

identify the goal

making it personal

using current events in the message

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