after WW1, there was fear and optimism for some people since the war was over, US president Woodrow Wilson gave hope to many people by calling for a better world. Jan 1919, Wilson and and many world leaders met at the paris peace conference to reach a settlement that would legally end WW1, the armistice only stopped the fighting, to officially end the fight, treaties had to be made between the victors, Britain, france, italy and US, and the defeated, Austria-Hungary, Germany and their allies.
British, French people wanted Germany to be punished harshly as they both lost about 9 million lives in total, and the reason to punish Germany harshly was further strengthened when it was known that Germany forced Russia to sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk earlier in March 1918, that would allow Germany to take control of brest-litovsk and finland which were rich in agricultural land and industrial land, Russia also lost resources like oil and iron, and had to pay 6 billion marks to germany
at the paris peace conference, the more powerful or affected by Germany during the war, which in cluded US Wilson, British David Lloyd, and French Georges Clemenceau had different ways on how they want Germany to pay the consequence of the war
British David Lloyd
he wanted what's best for Britain, and was left sitting on the fence between Wilson's idealism and france's harsh punishment.
he wanted to rebuild Britain economy but it was difficult as Germany was Britain's second biggest trading market after the US and Germany had to be punished so building the economy again would be difficult
he was also concerned about Russia, as at the time of the conference Russia was in the middle of a civil war, and he was worried Russia would emerge as a strong communist country that would spread its beliefs through revolution or war, he wanted Germany to recover economically so it could help protect against the rise of communism in Europe, however this is difficult as he was under pressure to punish Germany as it is needed for Britain safety
he wanted to protect briatin and was not keen on Wilson's point in the 14 points for freedom of the seas even during war
US Wilson
Wilson was a person who once had his ideas, it was hard to convince him to do another idea, this led to many clashes at the conference
he wanted Germany to be punished but not until it is nothing, he wanted to strengthen democracy so the german swould not let the leaders start another war, he wanted the old leadersto be replaced with new ones who want peaceful relations with other countries, he also wanted thePoles, Czechs, Slovaks, to be independently ruled rather then be ruled by the Austro-Hungarian empire
however, Britain and France were worried that Wilson was too soft on Germany and that his idea on self determination was impractical
the 14 points, Wilson wanted these 14 points set up so it could let the world have peace and he wanted to set up the league of nations so that conflicts can be settled without fighting