History to Anon focuses on women's voices and their ability to have influence in the same way that men have, historically and in the present. Duffy's draws upon historical context, as well as biblical influences. This encompasses the idea of where the idea of female oppression, mistreatment and misogyny has come from- highlighting the profuse impact of Christianity specifically but also organized religion in general. Although this section draws on the past, it is incredibly relevant even today, with women being denied autonomy and the right to use their voices universally, and with this being ignored as alarming and regressive. With women in Iran being denied their right to education, bodily autonomy and freedom, women in many US states being denied their human right to abortion, and women in the Western world being grouped into horrendous misogynistic generalisations by men; afraid of the power women are beginning to posses; this section of the anthology speaks specifically to the present world in the 2020's as well as drawing on History. This highlights the same essence of the collection that the first section does but in a different way- Duffy applies the collection to all women, at all times, in all locations, especially focusing on the importance of not repeating the past, but being educated on it so that progress can continue.