The Oasis / is a large and lush oasis located in the middle of a barren desert in the safe zone. It is surrounded by tall palm trees and various other vegetation, making it a popular spot for travelers to rest and recuperate. The oasis is fed by a natural spring that runs deep beneath the sand, and the water is crystal clear and refreshing. Within the oasis, there is a small settlement of people who have made it their home. They have built sturdy huts and tents for shelter and have cultivated the surrounding land to grow crops and raise livestock. The people here are welcoming and hospitable, offering travelers food, water, and a place to sleep for the night. The oasis also has a market where various goods and services are sold. Traders from nearby regions come here to sell their wares, such as exotic spices, jewelry, and fabrics. There are also skilled craftsmen who offer their services, such as blacksmiths, tailors, and carpenters. Overall, the Oasis in the Desert is a vital and bustling hub of activity in the safe zone, and a place that adventurers will likely return to time and time again. There are rumors, however, of a hidden oasis deep within the desert, providing shelter, water, and perhaps even treasure to those who are brave enough to seek it out. But many have searched for this oasis and never returned, leading some to believe that it is merely a myth.
Quest: I control the Oasis: During return from a delivery to the trading post (traveler) was attacked by desert enemies and survived in the oasis, isolated for months as no-one came back through the path he did. When met by the party he calls that they abandoned him without taking the time to note they are not from his region. He can control the nature within the oasis during his encounter.
Kill Him
His powers are returned to the Oasis locking them behind trials that must be overcome, the oasis is mapped
Save Him
One party member may take his abilities if they choose to or by dice roll, the oasis is mapped, reward from the town for saving the traveler