According to Sue Tas’ testimony, “The Indian Tom was sitting near the fire, he had his gun with him, Tom said if he shot the black man I was to look for all the good things.” Sue Tas manipulates his testimony in such a way that Tom takes all of the blame. Of the two people involved in the crime scene, we only have Sue Tas’ side of the story, in which he heavily portrays Tom as guilty. It is plausible that everything Sue Tas claims Tom said or did, was, in fact, Sue Tas. Therefore, it is likely that Sue Tas had possession of the murder weapon. Sue Tas claims “I did not look for anything. I was afraid & went outside…I carried none of the things. Tom carried them all. He carried them all at once.” Sue Tas mentions multiple times that he carried nothing, which makes it begin to sound like persuasion. Sue Tas makes eager efforts to convince us that he is innocent, however, it is hard to believe that Sue Tas stood around the entire time and watched the murder happen. This is why I am convinced Sue Tas flipped the situation to make Tom look guilty.