Autodesk fusion 360 EXPLODED DRAWING

need to be detailed in the information to make sure that the prototype is somewhat precise with its precisions

dimensions in drawings

usually in mm

not indicated on every dimension but at the bottom of the drawing

the tolerance is +- 0.2 as it defines how much the dimension is allowed to deviate.

the dimension line has an arrowhead on each end

extension lines continue or extend from the surface of the object and establish the size of the dimension and does NOT touch the object line and extends slightly past the dimension line

extension line offset has a gap between the object surface and the extension line, so it is not mistaken with the visible line of the model.


parallel/datum: consists of several dimensions originating from a common reference surface which is also known as the datum.

superimposed running: simplifies parallel dimensions in order to reduce the space used on a drawing.

chain dimensioning: should only be used when the function of the object would not be affected by the accumulation of the tolerances.

combined: uses chain and parallel dimensioning.

small features: arrowheads to be placed outside the extension lines

multiple features: use N x dimension for multiple same dimensions

radius: start with capital R can be with an arrow pointing ot the curve or having the cnetre of the circle amrked with the long short line

circle, arc and holes: circle is dimensioned by its diameter, arc is dimensioned by its radius, holes are located by their centerlines

angles: marked with a curved dimension line and has the degree symbol


should not be duplicated

avoid dimensioning to hidden lines and features

the lines should not cross or overlap

types of fits

importance of tolerance:

parts cannot be manufactured exactly to the dimensions stated in the drawing due to manufacturing variations, tolerance takes this into account.

without it, exact sizes need to be made

the range of tolerance differs due to the different degree of tolerance

different parts form different companies therefor different measurements

it ensures that the product fits well

types of tolerance




allowed to vary only in one direction

allowed to vary in two directions and need not vary by the same amount

the upper and lower limits f the dimensions are specified

measured by subtracting the upper limit by the lower limit



when the product can fit together with sufficient space and extra space, easily moved

when the product cant fit together as there is insufficient space difficult to move

joints used in fushion 360

rigid: provides no degrees of freedom; fixes 2 points together

revolute: single rotational degree of freedom; rotates around the standard x/y/z axis

slider: has a single translational degree of freedom; used for components that slides past one another

cylindrical: provides 2 degrees of freedom, one translational and one rotational; when joined using this, they rotate around in the same axis

pinslot: allows 2 degrees of freedom but components can rotate around different axes

planar: allows 3 degrees of freedom, 2 directions of translation in a plane and a single rotational direction to that plane; useful for joining 2 components so they can rotate while sliding across the plane.


under animation

shortcut of j for joints

can just copy and paste the planes

for assembly drawings, got BOM where it includes the part number, material and the quantity of each part