Resilience Factors include: Effective careegiving, close relationships with other capable adults, close friends and romantic partners, intelligence and problem solving skills, self control, emotional regulation, planfullness, motivation to succeed, self efiicacy, faith, hope, belief that life has meaning, effective schools, effective neighbourhoods; collective efficacy (Masten, 2014,p. 148)
Self care and Mindset: Self-care is important for staff dealing with trauma, and mindset and belief systems matter (Arreola-Garcia, 2019, 1:20:00; Hunt, 2016, 8:00)
Your mind is your most important tool, and perspective and perseverance are key (Hunt, 2016, 8:34; 11:47)
Adaptive systems include: Attachement (family, social netowrk, peer); learning and thinking systems of the CNS, Self regulation of the CNS, mastery motivation and related reward systems, spiritual and cultural belif systems, education systems, communities (Masten, 2014, p. 148)
There are fundamental adaptive systems that protect human development under many different circumstances (Masten, 2001, 2007, as cited in Masten, 2013, p. 148)
Fundamental systems are a product of biological and cultural evolution and are shared across many societies (Masten, 2013, p. 149)
Children in the care of mothers and mother surrogate show fewer signs of traumatic shock (Masten, 2013, p. 116)