1. Spain: The reign of Alfonso XIII and the crisis of the restoration

The regenerationist restoration and the crisis of 1917

In 1902, Alfonso XIII came of age when he was 16 years old

Morocco had become a colonial problem that was difficult to control

Attack led by Riffian leader Abd-el-Krim resulted in Spain’s defeat at the Battle of Annual 1921

Many human and material losses affected the Spanish people deeply

The Primo de Rivera dictatorship

In 1923, a dictatorship was established under General Primo de Rivera

The dictatorship was an authoritarian response to

the political demands workers and intellectuals

The new regime led to the establishment of a dictatorial power

Freedoms and rights were suspended

Society was reorganised following the corporatist model imposed in Italy by Mussolini

Primo de Rivera took power by launching a military coup d’état

He promised to restore public order, end the war in Morocco and combat corruption

The king accepted Primo de Rivera’s promises and appointed him prime minister

The new dictator immediately

Suspended the Constitution

Dissolved Parliament

Banned political parties and trade unions

Military directorate

The dictator was advised by the military

With the help of the French, Primo de Rivera

Achieved military domination in the Moroccan protectorate

Brought an end to resistance from its inhabitants

Civil directorate

Primo de Rivera tried to institutionalise his authoritarian corporatist regime

Parliament was replaced by a National Consultative Assembly

A single party, the Patriotic Union, was imposed.

The dictatorship did not solve Spain’s economic, social and political problems

It was quite popular amongst the wealthy upper and middle classes and the military

It accumulated huge debts, and economic problems

This was made worse by the crisis of 1929

Republican opposition to the dictatorship began to form in 1928

Left-wing parties, trade unions and intellectuals were gradually joined by other segments of society

Primo de Rivera began to lose support, even from the army and the king, and was forced to resign in January 1930

After Primo de Rivera’s resignation, the monarchy tried to restore the political regime of the Restoration

The republican, socialist and nationalist opposition unified its demands in the Pact of San Sebastián (1930)

Municipal elections were called in April 1931 after a failed military uprising

The opposition in large cities was victorious

It lead to the abdication of Alfonso XIII and the proclamation of the Second Republic




