
moral code

early life

reluctant hero

10 plagues


was a royal prince

he made a new life for himself in the desert

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born into slavery

he married a woman called zipporah

working as a shepherd

he heard a revelation

he heard the voice of God from a bush

the bush was on fire but didn't burn

Moses was raised as a royal prince

the Pharaoh's daughter found Moses's

Israelite baby boys were being killed his life was at risk

Mose's mother put him in a basket an put him in the river trying to save his life

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First Plague: Moses turned the river Nile to blood so they couldn't drink the water

he learned to read and write and had power over others

he was not happy how the Egyptians treated their slaves

he saw a Egyptian guard beating a slave

he tried to save the slave but ended up killing the guard

he was afraid of being caught so he ran away

he left Egypt with no plans to return

Second plague: he sent frogs to the whole land

Third plague: next lice was sent

Fourth plague: next flies was sent aswell

fifth plague: Livestock pestilence was sent

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