Examples of changes represented in lit: 1) Transfer from country to town & 2) contrast between industrial north & affluent south: Gaskell's N&S, Eliot's Silas Marner (1861), Dicken's Bleak House (1853) - northern ironmaster vs landed gent., 3) contrasts modern society & old rural ways - Hardy's TessofD/The Mayor of Casterbridge , 4) Problems of social degradation: Gaskell's Mary Barton (Mary lives in Manc in poor weaver's family) + DavCopp, Oliver T & Hard Times. 5) Women - increasingly in boarding schools (as in Thackeray's Vanity Fair or C Bronte's Jane Eyre. Pol too - Mary WSC 1792. Theme of women & the importance of husband choice also seen in Austen novels - PP, SS, Emma. Most novels portray the 6) new middle class and some show the corruption wealth can bring. Satire - eg arrogant merchant of Thackeray's Mr Osborne in Vanity Fair or Bounderby - satirises the 'self made man'. 7) Political changes (eg Reform Bill, free trade, politicisation of w/c) also reflected eg in George Eliot's Feliz Holt, the Radical