What I learn from English Class MKWI4201

Module 1 :
Two Ways of Communicating in English

Characteristics, topic content, how to start a conversation, and when to speak using casual/informal language

Characteristics, content topics, how to start a conversation, and when to speak formal language in business

Module 3:
Writing Informal Emails
and Business Memos

Module 5 :
Letter of Request

Module 8 :
Make an Appointment and
Give a Detailed Explanation

Module 9 :
Various Ways of Business Communication

Module 7 :
Job Application Letter and
Curriculum Vitae

Module 2 :
Things Learned in Business

Module 4 :
Letters in Business

Module 6 :
Letter of Appreciation

Describe and identify things that are around the office, starting from the organizational structure, authority, and objects that are usually in the office.

Basic punctuation and capitalization to describe the workplace in English

Write good and correct informal emails, according to the intrinsic elements and the way of writing them

Write a business memo according to the intrinsic elements and the procedure for writing it

There are various types of business letter formats and the purpose of sending them

Elements of a formal business letter

Write a request letter according to the purpose of the request

Write a complaint letter according to the purpose of the request

Writing thank you letters in formal communication in business

Write a thank you letter in informal communication

How to write a job application letter

A solicited application letter

An unsolicited application letter

How to write a curriculum vitae

Functional resume

Chronological resume

How to make appointments and respond to appointments

How to give detailed explanations and respond to explanations

How to conclude in a meeting

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Exchange ideas with others through negotiation